
07 January 2012

Peter Youngren - World Impact Ministries

Peter Youngren received the call to World Evangelism at the age of fifteen. Still a teenager he began preaching in small chapels and mission houses. Then in 1973, at Bible College in the USA, God spoke to him in a vision during a unique five hour chapel service. While tears streamed down his face he saw the outline of the continents of the world appear one by one as on a map. There were no rivers, mountains or fields in the map. Each continent appeared with wall-to-wall people. Their faces were sad, desperate and hopeless, without God and without hope. Then those same continents appeared again. A wind of the Holy Spirit swept over each one. The people’s faces turned before him to joy - radiant joy. The vision was repeated several times. The sense of God’s holiness was powerful. Peter kept whispering, “God you are holy, thank you for cleansing me with your fire.”

Peter took hold of the vision and began to live and act with the urgency of GOSPEL ADVANCEMENT gripping his heart and mind. Jesus words in Matthew 24:14 propelled him forward to conduct unprecedented evangelistic efforts on every continent.

In 1976 Peter founded World Impact Ministries, and has since conducted Gospel Festivals that have drawn up to 600,000 people in one service. Millions have received Jesus and follow up material. Hundreds of thousands of pastors have received training through the Seminars, and have taken what they receive back to their churches.

As founder of World Impact Ministries, Celebration Bible College, Way of Peace and the Celebration Churches in Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara, Canada, Peter is committed to equip believers to fulfill their purpose before the return of Jesus Christ.

The following is the 10 Point Plan for Global Gospel Advancement that God has put on Peter’s heart to accomplish.

1. Friendship Festivals:
Huge soul-winning campaigns held throughout the world, with a strong focus on nations and people groups that are “unreached”. Crowds of 50,000 to 600,000 people regularly gather in a single service.

2. Pastors & Leaders Seminars:
Seminars for pastors and church leaders run concurrent with each Friendship Festival. The focus is on training pastors and leaders to advance the Gospel in their own region.

3. Television/Media:
“Celebrating Life with Jesus” is seen daily on television and internet web sites throughout the world. The Good News is spread through media to an ever increasing audience.

4. Follow Up For New Believers:
“Salvation - God’s Gift to You” has been distributed to over 12 million new believers in multiple languages. Other follow up efforts include follow up meetings among locally organized churches.

5. Bible Schools:
Celebration Bible College (formerly World Impact Bible Institute) was established in 1988. To date, more than 3,000 students from over 30 nations have been trained to advance the Gospel. Campuses are located in North America, West Africa, East Africa, India and Asia.

6. Literature & Resources Distribution:
Peter Youngren is the author of over 20 books and study manuals that have been translated into numerous languages.

7. Missionaries:
The commissioning of full-time, overseas field missionaries takes place on an annual basis. Missionaries have been sent to Kenya, Indonesia, Gambia, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Philippines and Guatemala.

8. Prayer Center:
Prayer is an integral part of every ministry aspect. Thousands of prayer requests are received weekly via the phone, mail and email from every continent.

9. Humanitarian Effort:
Destitute orphans, who would otherwise be without hope, receive support and tender loving care at orphanages sponsored by World Impact Ministries.
This support includes education, food and housing.

10. Personal Ministry to Partners:
Peter Youngren has a strong covenant commitment to his partners. He has carefully instructed all staff about God’s blessing upon partners who participate in the Great Commission. Strategically placed offices in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia minister to partners through literature, videos and prayer.

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