
06 October 2010

Reg Type

Verse: Leviticus 20:1-6

Gold verses: Leviticus 19:31 = "Do not be turned to the spirits or the spirits fortune teller."

Acquaintance I had to change his cell phone number because aside the kepotong every day because he had to register via SMS through the service asked the mate.But when he wants to quit, fail to do the registration. A few months later, he again to the service list daily horoscope based on date of birth. Again and again and failed canceled aside the registration. He also changed the number again. He replace the HP numbers up to 5 times, because he still lists for services Hockey, Fortune, and The Future. Of all the services which he hoped could help was just making a loss, can not nothing and disappointed.

Friend, do not ever believe that love TV ads "Type Reg ... send it to the number ...". All just lies, especially about the forecast. Forecasters are to be found directly trust may not even be answered with fortune tell that only an answering machine with random answers. Never believe any predictions or shaman. Simply believes in the same God wrote. Who knows our future, luck of our lives, our marriage, our careers or our hearts around the problem, only Him because He who organized everything. Who make our life scenario and directed the story of our lives is God. So, why believe the same man about our future.

Friend, if you want to register about marriage, love, future, blessing, and whatever, registration through prayer and will not be guaranteed the same answer that the answer machine already randomized. But God will answer us directly with a definite answer and are guaranteed reliable. So, do not trust each other gods, just trust God alone.

God Bless ^ ^

God' give

Verse: Matthew 7:7-12

Gold Verse: Matthew 7:11 = "So if you are evil know that baikkepada member of your children, let alone your Father in Heaven! He will give good to those who ask Him. "

A father has a son and tomorrow is the day of graduation. The youth of this include students who excel in the finals tomorrow and he will get the award. In the evening, this young man has dreamed that her father would buy him tomorrow ideal car as a gift from prestainya it. The next day after the graduation, the father visited his son and gave a box that had been carefully wrapped with wrapping paper. The young man opened a gift and once saw the box was the Bible. Then the child is gone and never come home again. Several years later, this young man has become a successful entrepreneur. One day he heard from his lawyer that his father died and this boy asked to go home to take care of her father's wealth transfer. This young man came home and when I got in front of her house, she felt sad and very sorry. He entered and remembered the last gift his father. He opened the back kadoitu with sobs. As soon as he opened the Bible, there are paper and paper fall is ideal automobile purchase orders that have been paid in full.

Often we see the gift of God with what seemed from the outside, and we do not want to know the intent and purpose of God behind him giving it. We are often angry at God because of what we asked for, not God given in the form as we requested. Fren, we must believe whatever God has given bahw it is good.

God Bless ^^


Verse: Romans 12:4-8

Gold Verse: Romans 12:5 = "And likewise we, though many, are one body in Christ, but each of us is a member of one against another."

As a child of God, we referred to as a member of the body of Christ which has its own function. Well, now how do we know the function as part of the body of Christ? Talents an ability dong. Got a talent for playing music? Play music to the Lord, raise-song melody and again to worship our Lord! Have the ability to help my friends who do not have money to go to church? Yes we must help, either through your car or your money for their transport. Have ears that stand to listen to grievances friends? Yes listen to them, maybe they do not need advised, just need a willing ear listen to them aja. Now, if they've plong, usually they are more able to pray and the Bible. End, the Lord be glorified as well, right.

Fren, the goal is to build services with each other. Another aim is to make God more glorified and increasingly recognized by many people, not for show. In service, it's easy once you compare the services that we do with the services performed by others. Be careful! Remember, we Puna its own function. We have liabilities that are not the same as anyone else. Do not we also try to be like everyone else, or jealous of other people the same role.

Fren, identify your talents and abilities. Do what you can do for God and fellow members of Christ's body the other. Let us serve one another with the right motivation, namely to glorify our Lord.

God Bless ^^

Living Options

Verse: Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8

Gold Verse: Ecclesiastes 12:1 = "Remember your Creator in your youth, before arriving day-to-day poor, and approaching the years you've been saying:" I find no pleasure in it! ""

Like playing games? Definitely a lot of responsibility like deh, just calm reflection that writing is also like it. Ya never once played, is not the game's RPG about a character so the journey continues diseiap mission area there, so every step was nentuin continue to the next step so that if we are wrong step then in addition to the items that we do not nemuin butuhin, going to die deh, could still be repeated but most do not die because we're one step earlier.

Just like the game, our lives are always filled with a selection decision; if bener we can level up, if we are wrong step in life so we too can experience such thing as game over. Do not ever say we are young continue to not ever make a decision. When you wake up, we want to wake up or not it suda decision; going to school or not that decision and want to cheat or not it is we who make provisions. Well all the things we have to specify the steps to determine our future.

While this may be so many choices that we must hadapin, for example for the game loads the contents aja porn, violence and other things it was not a stranger anymore.Continue anime porn movies there, not to mention outside activities such as online gaming, hanging out with my friends at the mall and many other things that should we decide. With whom we interact and our actions, words that came out of the mouth of all it is a thing we must realize that if we make the wrong choice then our future is built on a false basis. Do not want to do if we are wrong road? So, tentuin you step with the Lord! Mingle and always remember the will of His truths.

God Bless ^ ^

Focus on God

Verse: Esther 4:10-17

Gold Verse: Jeremiah 17:5 = "Cursed is everyone who relies on his people, who rely on its own strength ..."

Dodo is a child who does not come from wealthy families, families living on easy street but not excessive. One time, her mother was seriously ill. Dodo and his father did not have enough money to buy medicine. Finally, they can only pray and hope in God. Uh, God's help appears. Daddy Dodo suddenly get a bonus from work so they can pay all medical expenses and Dodo's mother could have survived the deadly danger.

The stories like that of many who experience it? There are many versions of God's help as we hope only to Him. Just as Queen Esther who must face the dangers that threaten the nation including his own life. He certainly could not act anything because the rules do not allow the kingdom to the king when the Queen was not called. But what did Esther? He just hoped to God, he fasted and asked all the Jews and even the ladies in her ladies to come fasting for 3 days. After that, know it ending? God litigants and save them.

At the moment there seems no way out, we usually direct their eyes to God. It should though not in any circumstances oppressed, we also still have to focus on God.Relying on God in all things. Fren, whatever you face, stay focused on God's own perception.

God Bless ^ ^

God's Plan

Verse: Isaiah 55:7-9

Gold Verse: Isaiah 55:8 = "For my design is not rancanganmu, and your ways are not my way, saith the Lord."

There was a famous painter who was painting. After the painting was finished, the painter kept looking at the paintings themselves while in awe of the beauty of the painting. He walked backwards, looking at his paintings it. He does not realize that she was on the roof of buildings 20 and stayed one step back again and he will fall from the building, At the bottom there is a person who has observed the movements of the painter of the earlier and he wanted to shout to tell the painter not to back again.But for fear it would be surprising painter shouting that the man ran up the stairs Kea tap the building. Once arrived, he immediately tore up the painting. The painter who angrily walked straight forward quickly toward the painting. Then the man to calm the painter and explain how dangerous the painter's position was that all about and the only way for the painter to move forward is to tear the painting it.

Fren, in our lives, we must have a plan about our future start of school affairs, affairs boyfriend, etc.. We definitely have a dream that we thought were very beautiful, so we focused our dreams. Yet often our dreams and plans that could bring destruction, if we are not on the path of God. Because God love us, then there are times when God's wonderful plan for us to replace it (in a way that forces make us) with his new plan is good for us.

God Bless ^^

Only He Expert

Verse: Psalm 31:1-9

Gold Verse: Psalm 37:5 = "Give your life to God and trust in Him, and He will act."
Cooking spices like ginger, galangal, lemongrass or if eaten once wrote, where there are going? But once mixed with vegetables, fish or meat dishes become a shake of the tongue, especially the cook is an expert.

Life is not always the same, sometimes the spirit of really, really sluggish at times through this life. But one thing is certain, there is the Lord Jesus who is with us. He is God who holds our lives. For the affairs of this life is just him an expert. Although the trial as if the storm even hit us, He is still maintaining and providing hope to stay afloat. The Lord Jesus did not promise that life is always smooth, no obstacles but he promised to always member the power to end. With the odds of that, makes us realize that we are nothing without the Lord Jesus. We can not rely on strength alone aja. Fren, always remember His promise. Do not be afraid when the storm began to blow wind in your life, it was a sign we must cry and depend entirely on the Lord Jesus. Only He can calm the storm of your life and believe that there is something beautiful behind the storm.
Someday, we will be able to enjoy the fruits of His work in our lives, "Sepinggan beautiful life" because they are mixed by the Experts. Because it give it our lives to Him, let Him bitter sweet mix our lives become beautiful.

God Bless ^^

Longing To God

Gold Verse: Psalm 130:6 = "My soul doth God expects more of the guards to expect the morning, more than a bodyguard to expect in the morning."

Aa is a rising young professional career, in addition, he is also active in the ministry at his church. He was so busy, so every morning she said something like, "God, sorry yes, Aa pengen morning prayer and reading your Word, but it's time to go God Aa, Aa did not have time anymore." In the evening he said, "Lord, Aa tired, already night.Earlier Aa must attend three meetings in turn, not to mention there is healing crusades and Aa be the committee chairman. Tomorrow deh Lord, Aa promise. "But what do Aa? As usual he did not have time to fellowship with God. Aa was so busy, so forget God. Until one day Aa task was completed on earth, and he called home.Then the angel of the opening book of life opens page after page and he bekata, "Your name does not exist in this book." Then Aa protest. "God, Aa it already take care of you until the time for me just does not exist, why God my name does not exist?" Then the Lord replied, "Actually I want to write your name on it, but I do not have time."
The illustration above illustrates how the Christian life is so busy. They are busy serving the Lord. Looks spiritual, career in the world is good, it looks so bright. But they forget one very important thing that is a personal relationship with God. David was a king who may be very busy but he has a yearning for communion with God and he did it. Fren, do not let our busyness prevents us enter Heaven. May serve, so the light should be, but the important thing is to build a personal relationship with God. Do not ever forget that.

God Bless ^^

Perfect Love

Verse: 1 John 4:7-21

Gold Verse: 1 John 4:10 = "this is love: not us who have loved God, but God who has loved us and sent his Son as an atonement for our sins."

Once upon a time there lived a millionaire who has assets of millions of pounds and lots of famous paintings in the world. He lived happily with his wife and children. One day his wife died suddenly. Soon after his son also died due to severe pain. The millionaire is very sad, he lost the passion of his life and eventually died in her grief she brought it. He left a letter asking for his lawyer's will to hold an auction of paintings. The event was attended by many collectors of paintings. The first painting face painting auctioned is the only son of the millionaire. The painting was created by the millionaires themselves. Neither one wants to buy the painting because it is bad.Suddenly there is an old man who bought the painting. Apparently the old man is the son of the millionaire's nanny and she loves the boy's dross. Dad was willing to buy because it is driven by a great love for the child.

Christ's love is perfect love. He loves us so much that He will redeem our lives because we are so precious in His eyes. What has the Lord Jesus did for us, let us make love as an inspiration for us to live in genuine love and do not seek self-interest.

God Bless ^ ^

What does God See

Verse: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Gold Verse: 1 Samuel 16:7 = "Do not view his face or a high stature, for I have rejected him. Not that views human beings who see God. "

Sometimes people can be very cruel to others. Often we meet friends at school taunt those who faced ugly or defective. However, have we met friends that bad but a good heart? Have we meet those who are disabled physically but noble heart?

Jesus does not care about what appears in the human eye. He accepts and loves them-they are lepers and the handicapped. He even died for them.

So, when we see people who are not physically attractive, remember how Jesus treated them. Remember also how Jesus treated them. Remember also that Jesus died for them. IN before Him, they are beautiful with their beautiful and perfect bodied.And one more thing we need to remember all right, namely that He loves them the same as He loves us.

Come, be like God, looks at the heart rather than physical appearance. And we should pay more attention to our hearts rather than our physical appearance.Because once again, God sees our HEART, not our appearance. Our appearance does not matter to God. Only the heart that loves Him alone that is pleasing and makes him happy.

God Bless ^ ^

05 October 2010


Verses: Genesis 37:4-11

Gold Verse: Proverbs 29:18 = "If there is no revelation, became liarlah people"

As a child, Joseph always told his brothers, even to his father, too, that he will become king. "It seems we're tying the files wheat, berkasku arose and stood upright; then came the files you all around and bowed to the berkasku it." He said again, "I'm dreaming again; Looks sun, moon and eleven stars bowed to me. "

Since childhood, Joseph was given a vision about the future of God's beautiful. Although his life somewhat menyedhkan even pathetic, but Joseph still holds that God's grace. He did not waste his life. In place for many people is the vanity (prison), for Joseph, place it into place to create a blessing, whether it is for dirina themselves or others around him. That's all to support the vision that God has given him.

Friend, as children of God we certainly never been given a vision by God. Vision is a statement of God through His Word is useful to encourage each of us to remain steadfast in His way. Examples of vision statements in the Word of God is that God will lift you into the head and not the tail ... (Deuteronomy 28:13). God will guide you like a well watered garden ... (Isaiah 58:11). Well if we ever get the wonderful visions of God like that, then let us recognize it as a gift from God. Nurture visions that and always faithful to maintain the will of God.

God Bless ^ ^

04 October 2010

Believe it, then see

Verse: Luke 2:8-20

Gold Verse: Luke 2:20 = "... the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, all in accordance with what has been said to them"

Fren, we live in modern times. Era in which all sophisticated, preman era where everyone got to make sense. In other words that are not scientific talk will not be trusted by the people. With all the talk that makes sense, talk about God and religion can be number two. Faith often really defeated by logic.

We trust the same God is also often really struck down with the thoughts of men. That's the whole, the birth of Jesus, God sent the angel-angel to meet with the shepherds of sheep in the desert and not to the scribes or scholars of religion of Israel. Shepherd the flock proved it to believe what the angel said about the birth of Jesus as the savior of man. The shepherd was not on the show thinking or arguing. They believe what is said by the angel of the Lord. And when they saw what was happening, they increasingly believe that they glorify God.

What they see is exactly what they were hearing. Fren, God wants us to be wise. It was not just talking about the brilliance that is just logic. But God also wants us to have the wisdom to understand God's work that might not be understood by human logic. Believe in the Lord will make us see things like that seen tremendous shepherd.

God Bless ^ ^

Reconciled to mother

Verse: Proverbs 23:22-26

Gold Verse: Proverbs 23:25 = "Let your father and mother rejoice, let the joy he who delivered you."

In the past I do not get along with my mother. Not because my mother nagging, but just because my mother quiet, my father was also quiet, so communication is not good. Because communication rigid, nothing seemed stuck together nyokap. I never felt the support, the default one and only as necessary diomongin aja. It makes me much as my mother, my parents like to stress automatically am ague and thought that I was naughty really. But everything changed when I know the Lord. I changed the way I go to parent. I like to chat, joke, even like they just make the atmosphere isengin rame aja. I'm also more concerned about them and not demanding them to pay attention to me. The result is extraordinary closeness of our sticky, and their tremendous concern. They are proud and happy I kept the same when talking about me.

Friend, definitely happy if parents proud of us and we deket same parent. We do not ever scared to make one, but we are even more open to talk, admit and apologize. If you've deket same parents, whose names would not exist Backstreet. Even if our parents do not agree with our deket friends, our proximity factor with parents is very helpful you know. We will explain to the parents about our feelings and parents will explain his opinion. Well, when equally already open, easy to find a solution, which is important according to the same parents as he used to prove that you can trust and obey the same parent.

Friend, make parents proud and rejoice in you. Not just because physically you're cute, clever, have many talents, but also because of the attitude and way of life that does not make you ashamed parents.

God Bless ^^

Soon to proclaim Jesus

Acts 9:20 = When it is also he preached Jesus in the synagogues, saying that Jesus is the Son of God.

After Saul was baptized, he stayed a few days together with the disciples at Damascus (Acts 9:19). Then verse 20 says it well when he preached Jesus in the synagogues, saying that Jesus is the Son of God.
Here the phrase "when it was also" very meaningful. This shows that in a very short period of Saul turned to God. Formerly he was a persecutor, he was arresting people who receive the Lord, but now maybe he himself is captured by the Lord.

According to human vision, it's better he fled or hid themselves, but instead she went to synagogues and preaching Jesus testify. This explains that the first case one must do after he accepted the Lord is the witness for the Lord.

Testimony of the Samaritan woman is told in the gospel of John, came just hours after he met the Lord, not after the past few years. Once back to town, he immediately testify (John 4:29-30). Likewise, so Andrew believe in God, he soon brought his brother, Peter, to see God (John 1:40-42).

After we are saved, we should not make the gospel stop disseminated. If we do not continue testimony, the gospel will quit on us. We must learn to bear witness and bring people to God. It is never neglected. If at first refused to open his mouth, will eventually become a habit, and if you want to recover it, very exhausting.

Who is not interested in testifying for other people to repent and turn to God, lest he himself should repent and turn to God. Therefore, once a believer, let him establish a commitment before God, if there is a chance, and get people to testify soon.

Each end of the year, we can calculate, how many souls who have repented and obtain salvation, and how many are still not obtain salvation.

Mariah us with a vengeance and led the people testify as much to God!

The harvest is plentiful but the workers few. HBDK Ministry comes into a place for anyone who longs to be God's workers. Please join us, become a place of salvation, healing and restoration for all the tribes of ....

For thou shalt be His witness to all men of what you see and what you hear (Acts 22:15)

God Bless ^^

Who Belongs to You?

Verse: Matthew 24:29-36

Gold Verse: 2 Corinthians 11:14 = "And no wonder, for Previous page masquerades as an angel of light"

One time I dreamed I was in transition in 2009 to 2010. In the dream ak a conversation with a beautiful woman. She said, "You have to get ready you know!". "Oh, yes .. definitely dong!", I replied. "You have a lot of praying, many read the Word of God loh!. He stated. "Oh yes, sure .." I said again. But why did my heart a little uneasy ya .. She said again, "He'll come next year." That means in 2010 the Lord Jesus came DNG, I began to think and suspicious of who she really is?? Suddenly in my heart there is a very clear voice. "Nah no one knows!" I immediately understood and remembered the Word, that His coming a second time no one knows. I instantly said, "Who are you!" She immediately looked at me sharply, his eyes full of anger. That Satan would deceive me. I shouted "The blood of Jesus!" Immediately I got up and prayed.

From the dream I got a very valuable lesson. First, close to the Lord Jesus and reflect on His Word every day to make us more understanding that comes from righteousness and which are not even keliatannya spiritual. Secondly, the devil can deceive us with his appearance was. he looks as an angel of light that member to make them know the truth but in fact we are destroyed and perish.

Friend, move close to the Lord Jesus for His return is very close even though we dont know when the time and so we are not gonna be fooled by the deception of Satan.

God Bless ^ ^


Matthew 6:9-11

(9) therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name
(10) Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
(11) Give us this day our daily bread

One sentence in the prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples, saying "Thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven".

This sentence is the desire of the Lord Jesus to the family of His children. He was so longing for all the family can live in peace and prosperity. And of course this is also the expectation of the people in general and believers in particular.

Man was never expecting the arrival of the problem, but on the contrary. All expect the atmosphere of Heaven. Prayer and this expectation is increasing and when the pressures of life getting heavy. Many thought and hoped that God would perform a miracle in the midst of polemics that are facing their lives.

Let us see the truth of the Word of God for our family.

First: The first sentence in the prayer saying, "Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." This sentence shows that God is above all things.

Second: Katan "Come" gives the sense that we must ask, trying to bring the work of heaven in our respective families. To bring the kingdom of heaven shall be requested to the owner.

Third: It is enough yourself with what you have. This is the sentence of John the Baptist answered questions of the soldiers who asked him that they may be saved (Luke 3:14 Soldiers also asked him: "And we, what shall we do?" Said John told them: "Do not loot and do not squeeze just enough yourself and your salary. "). Then, 1 Timothy 6:8 says: "As long as there is sufficient food and clothing."

So in order to remain in the atmosphere of heaven, our families, each family must give thanks in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all things, because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.). That is why Jesus taught to ask "Give us this day our daily bread."

just enough yourself with what is, then heaven will fill your life

God Bless ^^


Gold Verse: Proverbs 18:2 = "High spirit before destruction, but humility precedes honor."

Friend, do you have a friend who you think tuh son really arrogant? Maybe at school or in your course? There? Emang the hell his name is easily found pride anywhere because it is easy to show character. If someone has something more, where other people do not have what he has then it would be easier to be arrogant. The advantages that such cleverness, wealth, cute face, etc.. Why do they do something different to make people arrogant? Because looking at other people lower than him. He felt himself more cool, more powerful than others. He feels the success or the advantages that he had was thanks to the ability and strength, not the grace of God.

Friend, God hate the proud people of God even tell you that the proud will be humbled. Not only God wrote that do not like, my friends will also be away from us if we are arrogant. In the eyes of God all of His children tuh same time, he did not view the color of our skin, he did not see our parents savings in the bank (he is much more rich), he did not see our faces kecakepan (After all, He who created us). All we have is not going to be eternal. So what should we sombongin? Therefore we must be humble, Fren. All the success that we achieve it is thanks to the grace of God and the advantages that we have is the belief that God gives us to develop.

God Bless ^ ^

Looking for Couples Living

Verses: Genesis 24:10-27

Gold Verse: Genesis 24:67 = "... Isaac loved her (Rebekah) and so he was comforted after his mother died."

friend, right tuh puberty, we are want to has a girlfriend, loved, caring, right not? But how does search life partner of God? Do not just see a beautiful girl, instantly smitten, asked for phone number, Female, rejected, hurt then ...

Let us see the story of Isaac and Rebekah his love of sweet really. Sure it is Abraham's time to use the services of his servant matchmaker himself and his servant prayed to God asking directions and signs are hard to do for her, but Rebecca did. And finally it is the wife Rebekah for Isaac because Isaac loved Rebekah.

The first thing we should do is ask for God's guidance, it's important, must not just like . Pray, if necessary, to fast, let the Lord show. Because only God knows who is best for us. Then keep in mind, too, should people of faith, so many teenager questions posed "Can not it ama dating people who are not believers?" Let deh, want to ask ama Pastor, Elder, Spiritual Magazine, because I'm definitely not the answer. Why? Because the Word of God himself who said that. Having a serious relationship with someone who is not a partner, it is very difficult, Fren. Boro-boro we want to make him repent, lest we are drawn even join the him. "He was good, because I'm so pretty, smart, great cook, caring, very rarely any girl like her!" For someone not in a God, there's no guarantee deh, a moment that people can change. Guarantee that only exists in God. Anyway, above all, we must be absolutely obedient to what God wanted. Therefore, believe me, God will provide the best partner for us.

God Bless ^ ^

We need to ask

Verse: Matthew 7:7-11

Gold Verse: Matthew 21:22 = "And whatever you ask in prayer with confidence, you will receive it."

One morning when I woke up, I rushed to my desk and finish my homework and then go with a repeat of Mathematics repeat once again. Done with school affairs, I immediately make my bed. Then I bersaat shade. After that, I went to shower, prepare yourself and and down into the dining room. I quickly devoured komplitku fried rice, drank a glass of orange juice afterwards. When I'm wearing shoes, bell car pick me up screaming loud between any hurry so I jumped into a car that was already full with my friends at school.

The days passed and re-piling schoolwork. Strangely, I felt everything I did not understand, for some tasks, lessons in school, homework to test materials, I was made dizzy by it. It then makes me think and wonder, "Why does not God help me?" In the solitude of God replied, "Son, I do not give if you never ask." Apparently all this time, I separated the rohaniku life with my life as a student; I never asked for the wisdom of God in my studies.

The next morning, early in the morning I woke up, there are quite a lot of tasks and tests today. I took the time to pray meditate His Word. I pray specifically requested his wisdom in doing my assignments and tests later, so I can be a light in the middle of my friends. And in the end I proved that hikamt from him has enabled me to undergo my role as a student with optimal.

God Bless ^ ^

Obey rules

Verse: Matthew 17:24-27

Gold Verse: Proverbs 28:9 = "Who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination."

Ever heard no slogan, "The law must be violated. If not why have the police? This slogan appears because people like to break rules. Generally ya, who violated the school rules, such as coming late to school, the school does not keep inventory, littering, through the queue, etc..

From the Word of God that we just read, we can see that Jesus was obeying the rules that apply in his area, which is paying taxes. He does not argue this bahwadunia belong to Him so He does not need to abide by human rules. No, he did not like that, He obeyed, though He is God, the owner of the world that His existence is not touched by any regulations, not extraordinary.

Proverbs 28:9 says, "Whoever turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination." What tuh do not cringe when the prayers we raise to be an abomination before God, just because we do not obey the law? So, there's always the reward of disobedience.

We must know that every rule was made for goodness, security and tranquility of our own. For example, if we go to school on time, we will not get stuck in traffic, then again, if we dispose of waste in place, our environment will be beautiful. So, do not hurt to make it obey the same rules? Rules are made to be obeyed. In addition, of course we also have to follow the example of Jesus is dong?

God Bless ^ ^

Giving With Joy

Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Gold Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7 = "Each man should give his heart, sadly not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Friend, you have no member with forced? I experienced my first time member offerings. I think that my allowance will be reduced. But I was made aware that when our members with a sincere and happy, we will not lack because God will incur added.

There is a story about a man named William Colgate, when he left a 16-year-old with aspirations to seek their fortune in the big city. He was on board with the goal of New York. Incidentally William boarded the ship captain is someone who really loves the Lord Jesus. Long story short, William tells his ideals to the captain, he said that he would pioneer soap making business, because that was the only skill he had. Then the captain advised William to say "Make sure you start it correctly, then everything will go well! I believes in that there will be a successful soap maker in New York. When you conduct yourselves, did according honest and give the part that belongs to God, then he will bless you and you will become increasingly behasil! ". Arriving in New York City, William soon started his business with honesty, even he immediately offered his first earnings to God. Because God continue to bless his efforts, William longing to give more than a tenth of his income, he gives 20%, then 30%, soon to be 40%, even up to 50%. But with the decision the Lord more and bless his efforts.

Therefore Friend, do not be afraid shortage when we give, we will increasingly affluent precisely when we give with joy.

God Bless ^ ^

Living Little Again

Verse: Ephesians 5:15-17

Gold Verse: Ephesians 5:16 = "And redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

A few months ago, I heard that at this time already developed electronic money. With that money we do not need to carry cash anymore, concise and easy. But we know, that behind the advancement of existing technology, it marks the end times began to be seen.

Friend, we do not cohabited in the time to take it easy, in fact right now is the time where we must draw closer to God dri. If we look at the situation around, then there are already signs that the time was not longer. The issue of global warming is not a coincidence, but the Bible has been written that this earth will be destroyed. So what should we do? Establish a strong personal relationship with God, because otherwise we would easily be dragged by the currents of this world. Without a strong relationship with God, our faith can not strong, resulting in time trials were dating, we fell.

Also, use your time well. It was not his time again hang out till late at night in a place that is not necessary. Rather than waste time mending discarded using that to go to church, pray or read the Bible. Or do useful things, such as poor service, wow, it makes our lives a blessing and useful for others. Of course, the name of the Lord be glorified through our lives not be embarrassed.

So, respond to the situation today. Now is not the time for you to relax.

God Bless ^ ^

03 October 2010


Verse: Genesis 4:1-16

Gold Verse: Deuteronomy 11:1 = "And you shall love the Lord your God, and do your duty faithfully to Him ..."

Santi and Bill are siblings who live in a wealthy family. In one month they can spend the money to 30 million. The cost of credit up to one million more, snack, this collection and that the price is above 500 thousand, and so forth. Both brothers are materially blessed, but on the other hand they are far from the word blessed. In the study, in dealing with others, relationships with parents and everything what they do always have failed. They both protested to God and lazy to church, let alone read the Word and pray.

One time the Lord said unto them through a servant of God. So far, they diligently go to church because their parents were activists and church donors. And every time you give offerings, most of them gave 5000 dollars. And that's spending money 1000an return results. The reason they are, "Our father do already so donors church and give a lot. Why we should give a great gift for the church. " Yup, they gave an offering to God carelessly.

Friend, there are many children God gave offerings to the Lord carelessly. They thought it was only offering to enrich the church or pastor. There also are thinking he is better than spending it should give a lot for the Lord. If we sow the seeds carelessly, then will we reap the results of which were random. Moreover, if we give is not sincere. As performed by Cain to God. He carelessly gave sacrifices to God so that God is more heed to the offering of Abel. If God has given us the best, then our obligation is to provide the best also to God.

God Bless ^ ^

Fruitful Sin

Verses: Genesis 19:30-38

Gold Verse: James 1:15 = "And when desire has conceived, she gave birth to sin, and sin when it is ripe, she gave birth to death"

The story of Lot's children who have intercourse with their father has given birth to offspring of evil. Moab and Ben-Ami (the father of the Ammonites) was the sin of children born to the children of Lot. And their offspring is always a troublemaker and did not want to know God. They are descendants who live under a curse. Lot and his daughters have never decided the curse of sin upon illegitimate children, so that their descendants are also living under sin or curse.

Friend, I am very sad, especially the Lord of course, hear stories from some of the children of God who told me that they had sex outside of marriage with their girlfriends. Even among those who perform abortions. Do not they realize that they are 'fertilized' by sin so that they bear sin and curse. Not just free sex wrote that gave birth to sin, ngelawan parents, stealing, struggling as pornography, masturbation and other crimes.

There are many young children who satisfy the desires of the flesh. For them, the important happy, lately affairs sin, yet God is also full of forgiveness. Dishonesty and self-gratification over this that will give birth to sin in our lives which will devour all the blessings of God in our lives. There are many children of God who will protest his life that many of the problems or deficiencies in some respects. Aware not only of God first dong expand the problem occurs in our lives, sometimes we ourselves who create problems in our lives.

Friend, if we do not want to live there under the power of the curse, immediately disconnect the curse. Never again provide an opportunity for the devil to fertilize the sin in our faith.

God Bless ^ ^

Create Shame

Verse: Titus 3:2-5

Gold Verse: Proverbs 17:19 = "Who likes a fight ... ... looking for destruction"

In a mall I saw a block filled with many people. Apparently there are 3 girls who were fighting at the mouth plus pake-blow sandals. There are 3 guy who tried to intervene they are, but the girls are even behind mukulin guy who tried to intervene they are fighting. I'm surprised, not really 3 shameless girl, the one block up to full concert band famous kayak or kayak to watch a soccer match. Very clearly, the three girls love to fight this.

Friend, if met with a third girl, mall visitors who saw the fight they would not forget them. The girls that could be called shameless and vicious. They risked their good name in public. If they are all Christians, not just their names which they bet, but the good name of the Lord Jesus had become ugly in the public eye.

There are many vent of God's children via SMS that tells if they fight ama good friends, their boyfriend or ex girlfriend. This attitude is a disgrace. Word of God says that people who like to fight are those who are looking for destruction. Blogging makes us like the devil is going to fight, a sin that damage our good relations with other people especially God.

God Bless ^ ^

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