
04 October 2010

We need to ask

Verse: Matthew 7:7-11

Gold Verse: Matthew 21:22 = "And whatever you ask in prayer with confidence, you will receive it."

One morning when I woke up, I rushed to my desk and finish my homework and then go with a repeat of Mathematics repeat once again. Done with school affairs, I immediately make my bed. Then I bersaat shade. After that, I went to shower, prepare yourself and and down into the dining room. I quickly devoured komplitku fried rice, drank a glass of orange juice afterwards. When I'm wearing shoes, bell car pick me up screaming loud between any hurry so I jumped into a car that was already full with my friends at school.

The days passed and re-piling schoolwork. Strangely, I felt everything I did not understand, for some tasks, lessons in school, homework to test materials, I was made dizzy by it. It then makes me think and wonder, "Why does not God help me?" In the solitude of God replied, "Son, I do not give if you never ask." Apparently all this time, I separated the rohaniku life with my life as a student; I never asked for the wisdom of God in my studies.

The next morning, early in the morning I woke up, there are quite a lot of tasks and tests today. I took the time to pray meditate His Word. I pray specifically requested his wisdom in doing my assignments and tests later, so I can be a light in the middle of my friends. And in the end I proved that hikamt from him has enabled me to undergo my role as a student with optimal.

God Bless ^ ^

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