
06 October 2010

God' give

Verse: Matthew 7:7-12

Gold Verse: Matthew 7:11 = "So if you are evil know that baikkepada member of your children, let alone your Father in Heaven! He will give good to those who ask Him. "

A father has a son and tomorrow is the day of graduation. The youth of this include students who excel in the finals tomorrow and he will get the award. In the evening, this young man has dreamed that her father would buy him tomorrow ideal car as a gift from prestainya it. The next day after the graduation, the father visited his son and gave a box that had been carefully wrapped with wrapping paper. The young man opened a gift and once saw the box was the Bible. Then the child is gone and never come home again. Several years later, this young man has become a successful entrepreneur. One day he heard from his lawyer that his father died and this boy asked to go home to take care of her father's wealth transfer. This young man came home and when I got in front of her house, she felt sad and very sorry. He entered and remembered the last gift his father. He opened the back kadoitu with sobs. As soon as he opened the Bible, there are paper and paper fall is ideal automobile purchase orders that have been paid in full.

Often we see the gift of God with what seemed from the outside, and we do not want to know the intent and purpose of God behind him giving it. We are often angry at God because of what we asked for, not God given in the form as we requested. Fren, we must believe whatever God has given bahw it is good.

God Bless ^^

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