
04 October 2010

Obey rules

Verse: Matthew 17:24-27

Gold Verse: Proverbs 28:9 = "Who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination."

Ever heard no slogan, "The law must be violated. If not why have the police? This slogan appears because people like to break rules. Generally ya, who violated the school rules, such as coming late to school, the school does not keep inventory, littering, through the queue, etc..

From the Word of God that we just read, we can see that Jesus was obeying the rules that apply in his area, which is paying taxes. He does not argue this bahwadunia belong to Him so He does not need to abide by human rules. No, he did not like that, He obeyed, though He is God, the owner of the world that His existence is not touched by any regulations, not extraordinary.

Proverbs 28:9 says, "Whoever turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination." What tuh do not cringe when the prayers we raise to be an abomination before God, just because we do not obey the law? So, there's always the reward of disobedience.

We must know that every rule was made for goodness, security and tranquility of our own. For example, if we go to school on time, we will not get stuck in traffic, then again, if we dispose of waste in place, our environment will be beautiful. So, do not hurt to make it obey the same rules? Rules are made to be obeyed. In addition, of course we also have to follow the example of Jesus is dong?

God Bless ^ ^

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