
04 October 2010

Soon to proclaim Jesus

Acts 9:20 = When it is also he preached Jesus in the synagogues, saying that Jesus is the Son of God.

After Saul was baptized, he stayed a few days together with the disciples at Damascus (Acts 9:19). Then verse 20 says it well when he preached Jesus in the synagogues, saying that Jesus is the Son of God.
Here the phrase "when it was also" very meaningful. This shows that in a very short period of Saul turned to God. Formerly he was a persecutor, he was arresting people who receive the Lord, but now maybe he himself is captured by the Lord.

According to human vision, it's better he fled or hid themselves, but instead she went to synagogues and preaching Jesus testify. This explains that the first case one must do after he accepted the Lord is the witness for the Lord.

Testimony of the Samaritan woman is told in the gospel of John, came just hours after he met the Lord, not after the past few years. Once back to town, he immediately testify (John 4:29-30). Likewise, so Andrew believe in God, he soon brought his brother, Peter, to see God (John 1:40-42).

After we are saved, we should not make the gospel stop disseminated. If we do not continue testimony, the gospel will quit on us. We must learn to bear witness and bring people to God. It is never neglected. If at first refused to open his mouth, will eventually become a habit, and if you want to recover it, very exhausting.

Who is not interested in testifying for other people to repent and turn to God, lest he himself should repent and turn to God. Therefore, once a believer, let him establish a commitment before God, if there is a chance, and get people to testify soon.

Each end of the year, we can calculate, how many souls who have repented and obtain salvation, and how many are still not obtain salvation.

Mariah us with a vengeance and led the people testify as much to God!

The harvest is plentiful but the workers few. HBDK Ministry comes into a place for anyone who longs to be God's workers. Please join us, become a place of salvation, healing and restoration for all the tribes of ....

For thou shalt be His witness to all men of what you see and what you hear (Acts 22:15)

God Bless ^^

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