
05 October 2010


Verses: Genesis 37:4-11

Gold Verse: Proverbs 29:18 = "If there is no revelation, became liarlah people"

As a child, Joseph always told his brothers, even to his father, too, that he will become king. "It seems we're tying the files wheat, berkasku arose and stood upright; then came the files you all around and bowed to the berkasku it." He said again, "I'm dreaming again; Looks sun, moon and eleven stars bowed to me. "

Since childhood, Joseph was given a vision about the future of God's beautiful. Although his life somewhat menyedhkan even pathetic, but Joseph still holds that God's grace. He did not waste his life. In place for many people is the vanity (prison), for Joseph, place it into place to create a blessing, whether it is for dirina themselves or others around him. That's all to support the vision that God has given him.

Friend, as children of God we certainly never been given a vision by God. Vision is a statement of God through His Word is useful to encourage each of us to remain steadfast in His way. Examples of vision statements in the Word of God is that God will lift you into the head and not the tail ... (Deuteronomy 28:13). God will guide you like a well watered garden ... (Isaiah 58:11). Well if we ever get the wonderful visions of God like that, then let us recognize it as a gift from God. Nurture visions that and always faithful to maintain the will of God.

God Bless ^ ^

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