
03 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 10

Day 10 
The essence of worship

Romans 6:13 The essence of worship is surrender. Surrender is a word that is not popular, who does not like almost like the word submission.We'd rather talk about about winning, success, defeat, conquer instead of succumbing, submission, obedience, and surrender. But surrendering to God is the essence of worship. We give ourselves to Him, not because of fear or compulsory, but in love, "because He first loved us."Worship is true, that bring pleasure to God, happens when you give yourself fully to God.Dedicate themselves to God, that is what is meant by worship. Act of surrender is called many things: consecration, making Jesus your Lord, take up your cross, die to self, submitting to the Holy Spirit. What is important is that you do, not as what you use for him. God wants your life, entirely. 

There are three barriers that hinder our total surrender to God: fear, pride, indecision.Believing is an indispensable element to surrender. Fear prevents us to surrender, but you give away all fear.How do you know that God loves you? He is a member you plenty of evidence: God says He loves you, you never escape from his sight; He cares with your life until it is the smallest; He gives you the ability to enjoy all sorts of pleasures; He has good plans for life you, He forgives you, and He is full of loving kindness toward you. God loves you far greater than anything you can imagine. 
The most powerful statement about God's love to you this is the Son of God for your sacrifice.God is the Compassionate and the Liberator, and submit to Him produces freedom, not bondage.This is the oldest temptation: "You will become like God." This desire, ie, full power, is the cause of so much stress in our lives. We are not God and will never become God. We are human. When we try to be God then we eventually become like Satan, who want the same thing.Surrender does not mean suppress your personality. God wants to use your unique personality. And rather than suppress it, surrender it to develop your personality. People who submit to obey the Word of God even though the word does not make sense.

 The Bible says, "Give yourselves to the Lord and wait patiently for Him with patience."Blessing of surrender: 
1. Experience tranquility.
2. Experience independence.
3. Experience power of God in your life.The victory came through surrender. Surrender does not weaken your self; strengthen your submission. After the surrender ourselves to God, you do not need to fear or submitting to other things.Surrender is not the best way to live; surrender is the only way to live. Now is the time for you to surrender, the grace, love, and wisdom of God.

Point to ponder: The essence of worship is surrender. 

Verse to memorize: "Give the members of your body to God to become the weapons of truth." Romans 6:13b
Question for thought: what fields in my life that I can not submit to God?

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