
22 September 2010

Persecuted because of Faith

Verse: Acts 7:54-60

Gold verses: Matthew 5:10 = "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

There is a story, like this: Tino is a believer in God, but my friends often asked Tino taunts like this to Tino, "Hey Reverend, going where? Where the Bible? Oops should not be left dong! "And her friends are simultaneously mocking Tino Tino by titles or self-righteous sanctimonious. But Tino was a diligent child worship unlike his friends who despise just clubbing.

Guys, we accept torture as a follower of Jesus does not merely relate to physical torment. But what often happens is mayhem in mind, like the story above. Do you ever get a taunt like Tino? Be thankful if you get it because it means other people can see that you are a child of God. It is a chance for you to be a light among them. Do not need to feel inferior by their speech or the fear of not julukkan slang. Let us put God in first place because He is our top priority in life is not an excessive sense of slang like Tino friends. Indicate if you love and dedicated to God. Practically do not have to worry about hanging out etc.. Look ahead prizes that await the kingdom of heaven.

God Bless ^ ^

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