
08 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 17

Day 17

Venue To Become a Member

Ephesians 2:19bWe will find our role in life through our relationships with others.The Church is God's plan in the world. The Church will continue to exist in the universe, as well as the role of God in it.

You need a church family to be able to:

1. Indicates that you are truly believers.

2. Alienation because it frees you from self-centeredness.

Helping you develop spiritual muscles.

4. Helps keep you from setbacks.

Jesus did not promise to build your ministry, He promised to build His Church.You are called to love sinners who are not perfect, even as God loves them.Become a member of a local church is the next natural step once you become a child of God.

Point to ponder: I am called to be a member of the church not only became a believer.

Verse to memorize: "So do we, though many, are one body in Christ, but each of us is a member of one against another." Romans 12:5

Questions to consider: Does the level of my involvement in local church show that I love and bound to the family of God?

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