
08 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 12

Day 12
Developing Your Friendship with God

Proverbs 3:32 

If you want a relationship deeper and more intimate with God, you must learn to honestly express your feelings to Him, trust Him when He asks you to do something, learn to care about what He cares, and missed the friendship- His more than anything.God does not expect you to be perfect, but He is indeed fully stressed honesty.True friendship is built on openness. True friendship is not passive; act of true friendship.Bitterness is the greatest barrier to friendship with God.Suffering is the way God awaken us from spiritual stagnancy.Obedience is a requirement for intimate with God.

Point to ponder: My Closeness with God depended on my choice.

Verse to memorize: "Come closer to God, and He will draw near unto you." James 4:8a

Question for thought: What practical choices will I make today in order to become closer to God?

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