
09 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 21

Day 21
Protecting Your Church

Ephesians 4:3Keeping the unity of your church is your task. God's greatest desire for us to experience unity and harmony with one another. Unity is the soul of fellowship.Nothing on earth is more important to God than His Church.

The way we protect the church:

Focus on the equations we have, rather than our differences. God wants unity, not uniformity.

2. Be realistic with your expectations. We must earnestly loved the church despite unperfectly. Every church put up a sign "No one is perfect that need apply. This place is only for people who claim that they are sinners, need grace, and want to grow. "

Choose to evoke the spirit and not criticize. God warns us not to criticize, compare, or judge each other!

Refusing listen to gossip. Gossip is information telling where you are not part of the problem and also not part of the solution. Listening to gossip is like receiving stolen nutrient, and it makes you guilty just like the villain.

Carry out God's method for conflict resolution.

Encourage the pastor and your leaders. We protect the fellowship when we appreciate the people who serve us as a leader.

Point to ponder: It is my responsibility to protect the unity of my church.

Verse to memorize: "Let us pursue the things that are useful for harmony and growth of our fellowship together." Romans 14:19

Question for thought: What I can do personally to protect unity in my church family now?

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