
08 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 19

Day 19

Developing Communities

James 3:18

Only the Holy Spirit can create real fellowship among believers, but he expanded it with choices and commitments we make.

Developing a community requires honesty. Often we know what to say to someone but our fear keeps us from any Kodri.

Developing a community requires humility. Humility is the oil that smooth and soften the relationship. That is why the Bible says, "And you all, humble yourselves to one another." Humility does not mean low self-regard, humility means just a little selfish.

Developing a community requires comity. The attitude of respect is respect for differences, caring feelings for others, and be patient with people who annoy us.

Developing the attitude of the community need to hold a secret. Attitudes could hold the secret means that what is conveyed in the group you should just for your group, and the group must address them, rather than gossiping with other people.

Developing a community requires the frequency or frequency. You should have frequent contacts and stay with your group to build a genuine partnership.

Point to ponder: Community requires commitment.

Verse to memorize: "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, so we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." 1 John 3:16

Question for thought: How can I help develop the various characteristics of a true community in small groups and I do now?

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