Three men with three different stories. Three different lives.
But, the same physical death. Ripped flesh with blood, sweat, and tears.
A purposely unhurried and brutal method of dying.
Three men hanging on three crosses.
angst, anguish, agony.
The man in the middle is named Jesus. Son. Brother. Cousin. Friend. Jew. Carpenter. Teacher. Rabbi. Son of man. Son of God. Messiah. Savior.
The man on the right is not named.
criminal, crook, convict.
What was his crime? Thieve, murderer, lawbreaker?
The man on the left is not named.
criminal, crook, convict.
What was his crime? Thieve, murderer, lawbreaker?
The man on the right admitted his guilt.
The man on the left bragged of his guilt.
The man in the middle forgave their guilt.
The man on the right defended the innocence of Jesus.
The man on the left insulted the innocence of Jesus.
The man in the middle forgave their guilt.
Three men hanging on three crosses.
Two men went to Paradise.
07 March 2012
Three Men, Three Crosses
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