
16 October 2010

Be Different

Verse: Numbers 14:36-38

Gold Verse: Numbers 14:24 = "But my servant Caleb, because a different spirit in him and he followed me fully, I will bring into the land which had entered it, and his seed shall possess it."

Solidarity often became the reason for many young people to do many things that do not fit with God's will. It is not wrong if we want to solider the same friends. But if the solider was then we just make God sad how? Solidarity with friends OK really because it means we are good friends. But if solidarity is precisely our own merugikandiri and damaging our good habits, to what we are in solidarity? Precisely the kind of thing we need to show that God's children are different.
Caleb and Joshua gave different answers from 10 other scouts. They give encouragement to the people of Israel for daring forward and into the Promised Land. Fortunately, Joshua and Caleb do not join together in solidarity with their friends. If they follow in solidarity, so maybe they did not enter the promised land.
But Caleb and Joshua said anything else. God also states that Caleb had another spirit. That is Caleb dared to say something different because Caleb believed God one hundred percent. Well because Caleb different then Caleb get incredible blessing.
Friend, today we're proven Christianity. Are we in solidarity with friends and do not care about God anymore? Or do we dare to be different as he tells the power and love of God that big?

God Bless ^ ^

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