
06 October 2010

Reg Type

Verse: Leviticus 20:1-6

Gold verses: Leviticus 19:31 = "Do not be turned to the spirits or the spirits fortune teller."

Acquaintance I had to change his cell phone number because aside the kepotong every day because he had to register via SMS through the service asked the mate.But when he wants to quit, fail to do the registration. A few months later, he again to the service list daily horoscope based on date of birth. Again and again and failed canceled aside the registration. He also changed the number again. He replace the HP numbers up to 5 times, because he still lists for services Hockey, Fortune, and The Future. Of all the services which he hoped could help was just making a loss, can not nothing and disappointed.

Friend, do not ever believe that love TV ads "Type Reg ... send it to the number ...". All just lies, especially about the forecast. Forecasters are to be found directly trust may not even be answered with fortune tell that only an answering machine with random answers. Never believe any predictions or shaman. Simply believes in the same God wrote. Who knows our future, luck of our lives, our marriage, our careers or our hearts around the problem, only Him because He who organized everything. Who make our life scenario and directed the story of our lives is God. So, why believe the same man about our future.

Friend, if you want to register about marriage, love, future, blessing, and whatever, registration through prayer and will not be guaranteed the same answer that the answer machine already randomized. But God will answer us directly with a definite answer and are guaranteed reliable. So, do not trust each other gods, just trust God alone.

God Bless ^ ^

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