
06 October 2010

Longing To God

Gold Verse: Psalm 130:6 = "My soul doth God expects more of the guards to expect the morning, more than a bodyguard to expect in the morning."

Aa is a rising young professional career, in addition, he is also active in the ministry at his church. He was so busy, so every morning she said something like, "God, sorry yes, Aa pengen morning prayer and reading your Word, but it's time to go God Aa, Aa did not have time anymore." In the evening he said, "Lord, Aa tired, already night.Earlier Aa must attend three meetings in turn, not to mention there is healing crusades and Aa be the committee chairman. Tomorrow deh Lord, Aa promise. "But what do Aa? As usual he did not have time to fellowship with God. Aa was so busy, so forget God. Until one day Aa task was completed on earth, and he called home.Then the angel of the opening book of life opens page after page and he bekata, "Your name does not exist in this book." Then Aa protest. "God, Aa it already take care of you until the time for me just does not exist, why God my name does not exist?" Then the Lord replied, "Actually I want to write your name on it, but I do not have time."
The illustration above illustrates how the Christian life is so busy. They are busy serving the Lord. Looks spiritual, career in the world is good, it looks so bright. But they forget one very important thing that is a personal relationship with God. David was a king who may be very busy but he has a yearning for communion with God and he did it. Fren, do not let our busyness prevents us enter Heaven. May serve, so the light should be, but the important thing is to build a personal relationship with God. Do not ever forget that.

God Bless ^^

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