
03 October 2010


Verse: Genesis 4:1-16

Gold Verse: Deuteronomy 11:1 = "And you shall love the Lord your God, and do your duty faithfully to Him ..."

Santi and Bill are siblings who live in a wealthy family. In one month they can spend the money to 30 million. The cost of credit up to one million more, snack, this collection and that the price is above 500 thousand, and so forth. Both brothers are materially blessed, but on the other hand they are far from the word blessed. In the study, in dealing with others, relationships with parents and everything what they do always have failed. They both protested to God and lazy to church, let alone read the Word and pray.

One time the Lord said unto them through a servant of God. So far, they diligently go to church because their parents were activists and church donors. And every time you give offerings, most of them gave 5000 dollars. And that's spending money 1000an return results. The reason they are, "Our father do already so donors church and give a lot. Why we should give a great gift for the church. " Yup, they gave an offering to God carelessly.

Friend, there are many children God gave offerings to the Lord carelessly. They thought it was only offering to enrich the church or pastor. There also are thinking he is better than spending it should give a lot for the Lord. If we sow the seeds carelessly, then will we reap the results of which were random. Moreover, if we give is not sincere. As performed by Cain to God. He carelessly gave sacrifices to God so that God is more heed to the offering of Abel. If God has given us the best, then our obligation is to provide the best also to God.

God Bless ^ ^

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