
06 October 2010

Living Options

Verse: Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8

Gold Verse: Ecclesiastes 12:1 = "Remember your Creator in your youth, before arriving day-to-day poor, and approaching the years you've been saying:" I find no pleasure in it! ""

Like playing games? Definitely a lot of responsibility like deh, just calm reflection that writing is also like it. Ya never once played, is not the game's RPG about a character so the journey continues diseiap mission area there, so every step was nentuin continue to the next step so that if we are wrong step then in addition to the items that we do not nemuin butuhin, going to die deh, could still be repeated but most do not die because we're one step earlier.

Just like the game, our lives are always filled with a selection decision; if bener we can level up, if we are wrong step in life so we too can experience such thing as game over. Do not ever say we are young continue to not ever make a decision. When you wake up, we want to wake up or not it suda decision; going to school or not that decision and want to cheat or not it is we who make provisions. Well all the things we have to specify the steps to determine our future.

While this may be so many choices that we must hadapin, for example for the game loads the contents aja porn, violence and other things it was not a stranger anymore.Continue anime porn movies there, not to mention outside activities such as online gaming, hanging out with my friends at the mall and many other things that should we decide. With whom we interact and our actions, words that came out of the mouth of all it is a thing we must realize that if we make the wrong choice then our future is built on a false basis. Do not want to do if we are wrong road? So, tentuin you step with the Lord! Mingle and always remember the will of His truths.

God Bless ^ ^

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