
06 October 2010

God's Plan

Verse: Isaiah 55:7-9

Gold Verse: Isaiah 55:8 = "For my design is not rancanganmu, and your ways are not my way, saith the Lord."

There was a famous painter who was painting. After the painting was finished, the painter kept looking at the paintings themselves while in awe of the beauty of the painting. He walked backwards, looking at his paintings it. He does not realize that she was on the roof of buildings 20 and stayed one step back again and he will fall from the building, At the bottom there is a person who has observed the movements of the painter of the earlier and he wanted to shout to tell the painter not to back again.But for fear it would be surprising painter shouting that the man ran up the stairs Kea tap the building. Once arrived, he immediately tore up the painting. The painter who angrily walked straight forward quickly toward the painting. Then the man to calm the painter and explain how dangerous the painter's position was that all about and the only way for the painter to move forward is to tear the painting it.

Fren, in our lives, we must have a plan about our future start of school affairs, affairs boyfriend, etc.. We definitely have a dream that we thought were very beautiful, so we focused our dreams. Yet often our dreams and plans that could bring destruction, if we are not on the path of God. Because God love us, then there are times when God's wonderful plan for us to replace it (in a way that forces make us) with his new plan is good for us.

God Bless ^^

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