
06 October 2010

Perfect Love

Verse: 1 John 4:7-21

Gold Verse: 1 John 4:10 = "this is love: not us who have loved God, but God who has loved us and sent his Son as an atonement for our sins."

Once upon a time there lived a millionaire who has assets of millions of pounds and lots of famous paintings in the world. He lived happily with his wife and children. One day his wife died suddenly. Soon after his son also died due to severe pain. The millionaire is very sad, he lost the passion of his life and eventually died in her grief she brought it. He left a letter asking for his lawyer's will to hold an auction of paintings. The event was attended by many collectors of paintings. The first painting face painting auctioned is the only son of the millionaire. The painting was created by the millionaires themselves. Neither one wants to buy the painting because it is bad.Suddenly there is an old man who bought the painting. Apparently the old man is the son of the millionaire's nanny and she loves the boy's dross. Dad was willing to buy because it is driven by a great love for the child.

Christ's love is perfect love. He loves us so much that He will redeem our lives because we are so precious in His eyes. What has the Lord Jesus did for us, let us make love as an inspiration for us to live in genuine love and do not seek self-interest.

God Bless ^ ^

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