
25 September 2010

What Should I Do

Verses: Genesis 18:16-21

Gold Verse: Psalm 25:14 = "And the Lord close associate with people who fear him, and notified his covenant unto them"

In this life we must have many plans for life. But often we are confused which one should take precedence. For this we need to ask for guidance from God. God is able to guide us to choose which ones should be prioritized for us to do and the best.
Perhaps there are those among us who ask "Ok .. I want to know God's will for me, but how to do? "Psalm 25:14 says, God's intimate associate with those who fear Him and He told His covenant to man. This means that if we have an intimate relationship and regular contact with God, then God would tell his covenant with us. An intimate relationship with God and the routine is needed. Whether it's in the morning or at night, either one hour or 5 minutes. Just as we are often talking to our friends, even God takes time to chat with us. And there are times when God would love to know the will and His plan for us.
Maybe God talking directly kayak parents talk directly with us. But the most likely is through the word of God. When we sit quietly chatting with God, we also need to read and reflect on His Word. That is what will be a strength for us. And that also that God used to reveal the contents of his heart to us.
Now is time for us to know God's plan for our lives. Do not let our lives without direction. Allow the Lord tells His will for us.

God Bless ^ ^

24 September 2010

Jesus Success

Verse: Matthew 26:53-56

Gold Verse: Matthew 26:53 = "Or do you think that I can not call on my Father, that he would immediately send more than twelve legions of angels?"

One of my friends once asked me, "Jesus was born and brought miracles to the world. But why when He was about to be crucified Jesus did not show his power so that the news of his greatness can be written in the Bible and known around the world? "I replied," If at that time Jesus showed His greatness then he failed. But because he did not show his greatness and gave his life as a victim of the success of Jesus do his work for the world. "

Friend, Jesus could have summoned legions of angels to take him down from the cross when He was crucified. But surrender himself totally to the Father caused Him to successfully carry out the task to save mankind from sin's penalty. He successfully showed the world what the true meaning of love. He successfully showed the world that He is not God who arrogantly want to show of force. Jesus redeemed us success and bring new life to us. Jesus successfully incise unforgettable history.

If Jesus acted as a superhero when he was crucified, then the story will be forgotten because he was still there after another superhero story that could show the world a dazzling brilliance. But is there any story told about a superhero who gave herself totally as a victim without a fight just to save an innocent man? Is there a superhero who rose from the dead? Only Jesus did all that.

Friends, let us surrender ourselves totally to His will then we can surely succeed like Jesus.

God Bless ^ ^

Code Access

Verse: Psalm 139

Gold Verse: Psalm 139:23 = "Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts"

A child of God was walking towards a room that is written Room Jesus. Before entering the room, he had to go through 3 doors. The first and second door he went through with the various questions posed to her doorman and he made it through those doors. At last the door not a guard tuh. Of course he's happy because they do not have to answer questions. When he was about to enter, the door does not open. While the door to open automatically when someone came into the room. He tried to step on the floor surface with a little hard and try to step in various angles. However, he failed. Finally he went home and failed to see Jesus.

Friend, maybe we will be very busy when we enter a room and suddenly we're not allowed to enter without a reason. We definitely want to know what is the reason we are treated as such. Similar to our existence before God. Sometimes our prayers are not answered by God or for too long we wait for answers to prayer from the Lord. We do not know why God does not answer us soon. It certainly makes us disappointed, upset or confused.

Actually we need a special code from the Lord to find out what makes our prayers are not answered. The code is derived from God who will investigate the hearts and minds, recognize our personal and test our existence. Many of God's people are not ready and do not like to be tested by God. They consider that it is very burdensome and very difficult to deal with. God's test is not to destroy or torture, God tested to purify us so that we are worthy of inheriting his kingdom.

Friend, give our lives to be tested by God so that purification occurred and we deserve to go kingdom.

God Bless ^ ^

23 September 2010

Believe it then see

Verse: Luke 2:8-20

Gold Verse: Luke 2:20 = "... the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, all in accordance with what has been said to them"

Fren, we live in modern times. Era in which all sophisticated, preman era where everyone got to make sense. In other words that are not scientific talk will not be trusted by the people. With all the talk that makes sense, talk about God and religion can be number two. Faith often really defeated by logic. We trust the same God is also often really struck down with the thoughts of men. That's the whole, the birth of Jesus, God sent the angel-angel to meet with the shepherds of sheep in the desert and not to the scribes or scholars of religion of Israel.

Shepherd the flock proved it to believe what the angel said about the birth of Jesus as the savior of man. The shepherd was not on the show thinking or arguing. They believe what is said by the angel of the Lord. And when they saw what was happening, they increasingly believe that they glorify God. What they see is exactly what they were hearing.

Fren, God wants us to be wise. It was not just talking about the brilliance that is just logic. But God also wants us to have the wisdom to understand God's work that might not be understood by human logic. Believe in the Lord will make us see things like that seen tremendous shepherd.

God Bless ^ ^

22 September 2010

Persecuted because of Faith

Verse: Acts 7:54-60

Gold verses: Matthew 5:10 = "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

There is a story, like this: Tino is a believer in God, but my friends often asked Tino taunts like this to Tino, "Hey Reverend, going where? Where the Bible? Oops should not be left dong! "And her friends are simultaneously mocking Tino Tino by titles or self-righteous sanctimonious. But Tino was a diligent child worship unlike his friends who despise just clubbing.

Guys, we accept torture as a follower of Jesus does not merely relate to physical torment. But what often happens is mayhem in mind, like the story above. Do you ever get a taunt like Tino? Be thankful if you get it because it means other people can see that you are a child of God. It is a chance for you to be a light among them. Do not need to feel inferior by their speech or the fear of not julukkan slang. Let us put God in first place because He is our top priority in life is not an excessive sense of slang like Tino friends. Indicate if you love and dedicated to God. Practically do not have to worry about hanging out etc.. Look ahead prizes that await the kingdom of heaven.

God Bless ^ ^

True friend

Verse: John 15:9-17

Gold Verse: John 15:14 = "You are my friend, if you do what is commanded you"

Friendship is a wonderful thing. Sometimes with friends we can get closer than at your own risk. Can I speak to many things ranging from az without any sense of shame, with our friends can ungkapn everything in the liver. The saddest moment in a friendship is when we must part with it, maybe our friends moved out of town or overseas, especially if it farewell for ever, sad. Because of the distance barrier that often we can cut off communication, but in our little hearts everywhere he's still our friend!

The Lord Jesus is the truest friend. He came to be our friend. But, whether we also reply to the friendship of Jesus? Friendship can not be established if only one person who wants it. From the side of Jesus, we do not need to hesitate anymore, he longed to be our friend, but how about us?

From his side, he always took the time to us. So, what about us, whether we take the time for Him, for the talk-bicang and know each other? From his side, he always wants to please us with good things. Well, what about us, whether we have to obey his word as proof of our love?

Fren, Jesus has become a true friend to us, let us be true friends to him too. Cultivate a sweet friendship with Jesus. The more we often communicate with him, the more we know who the Person "Sahabat Sejati" kita.Semakin we obey His word, the stronger persabatan it.

God Bless ^ ^


Verse: Matthew 14:13-21

Gold Verse: Matthew 5:7 = "Blessed are the cheap heart: for they shall obtain mercy."

One morning there was a kid who would go far. He heard there are great people who came kedaerahnya. Lumatan's remote location as well, because it takes hours to reach it. Her mother did not want to starve her child, so her mother made provision for the child. Finally after an exhausting journey that these children arrived in the crowd, he could only listen from a distance. After dark berambah day, some guy looking for someone to bring lunch and one of them who saw the stock boy. Eventually the boy gave his lunch. Furthermore, he could see from afar that the "great man" that divide the bread and fish into a large quantity and put into his basket-basket, and then distributed. The boy was overjoyed that he could provide food supplies, and so become part of the miracles that made "great man" is.
Fren, from the story above of course you know who the "great man" and the little boy?
Five loaves and two fish taken from a child's lunch could feed 5000 people. Because the generosity of a small child, Jesus could perform miracles and go down in history. Suppose a small child would not give his lunch, maybe the story will be different. Would not you be generous child? Because everyone knows you can become part of a miracle.

God Bless ^ ^

Perseverance Results

Verse: Proverbs 12

Gold Verse: Proverbs 12:27 = "The lazy will not capture prey, but the diligent man will get precious treasure."

There's a story: Endang report card grades are super bad in his first semester report card. The threat of class lives in front of his eyes. During this Endang was less serious in learning it would not be surprised if the value is not good. Endang just realized his fault when he saw his mother and father is very upset with her school. He felt he had disappointed his parents. He decided to pay for his mistake by studying diligently in the second semester. Endang learn every day with regular, all he was doing the task itself. He watched carefully to any given subject teachers. He also did not forget to pray to God so that God is always with him so that all who do succeed. Finally Endang values improved in all subjects and he gets a satisfactory rate in 2nya semester report card.

So, all that success requires effort really sunguh. No instant success because the process required to achieve such success. For example if we want to become a great basketball athlete, then we are practicing an intense, full of self-discipline to achieve it. No young success obtained. And do not forget God in all our efforts to achieve success we dream. Always remember to ask for his participation in every step we. But we also do not only pray but do not try. Be diligent to get things of value.

God Bless ^ ^

Keep Spirit

Verse: Preachers 11:1-7

Gold Verse: 2 Chronicles 26:5 w = "And as long as he sought the Lord, God made all his works"

Success can be achieved if any business and most important key is to always rely on God. The Lord is the only source our expectations. Success is not seen among you come from. Examples include the Honda Soiciro, namely those originating from the circles that are considered poor by many people because his father was a carpenter Soiciro Honda patched pot. But who thought that his love of machines since childhood led him to find results that we can use the current Honda car. And there is also another example of Henry Ford. He was an ordinary peasant boy, but he can create Ford Cars. So does Bill Gates is a person who founded Microsoft, although she was a child who is rich but Bill is not spoiled and not just simply enjoy all its richness. Because the will is so strong and never give up making Bill Gates a man known around the world.
And there's one more story, which is about David who defeated Goliath with ketapelnya great and he does not forget that he also relies on God so that God's help and with David, so David became a successful man, although initially many people who laughed at David for a smaller body compared with Goliath.
So, strive with the Lord in any case because of the effort and rely on God's will be successful.

God Bless ^ ^

No Pain is no Gain

Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-15

Gold Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:10 = "Therefore, also the time we were in among you, we gave this warning to you: if one does not work, let him not eat."

There is a tale about a grandmother who had a sack of money.
He is very poor, day-to-day he did not want to work, he just expects mercy of his neighbors. One time he feels his life is saturated with the needy, he also asked for money to 'God'. He said to God "Please send me money my God." As soon as she prayed every day with a loud voice. On the seventh day when he was pleading, a sudden fall in a solid bag right next to the grandmother. Grandma immediately opened the bag, and guess, it is filled with money? Interesting story huh?

But things like that it does not exist in the dictionary itâ God. God is not personally want to spoil his children. Though he was God's miracle maker, He wants us to strive in our lives. Through his servant, Paul, the Lord emphasized the importance of effort or hard work. Paul even said, people who are lazy or not working, or do not want the business, or do not want to learn, do not expect to enjoy good results, in this case is eating.

So, if we expect the best results, try as much as possible. Do not expect miracle from God without our efforts. For us that longer periods of exams in school, learn a very, very diligently, and prayed, asking God's blessing so that our efforts are successful.

God Bless ^ ^

Four God Vision To Church

God-given vision there are four:

1. To build a people who completely dedicated to Jesus

With the current level of dedication, we will continue to see the same results as in the past. Efforts required to build a people. People who go to church does not automatically become dedicated to listening to the sermon and prayers. They must be built, trained, equipped, and see examples of others, as a truly been redeemed. Generation that will successfully work on that task should be fully dedicated to Jesus. Something beyond mere intention to do good and good wishes must be planted in our spirit. Something that is a strong sense of call. That is the fire of Heaven; the fire in your bones.

2. To tear down spiritual strongholds
These castles can be found not only in society in general, but also in the church. Many people believe it has to learn to accept second best. When Paul and his team enter a town, their mentality is clear, that is, people who win.
There is a spirit of defeat that easily creep into any church environment. People easily become accustomed to little growth, little spirit, a little answer to the prayers, and a bit of spiritual energy. So easy to settle in between the four walls of worship space. Breakthrough anointing necessary to tear down the fortresses of resignation or such defeatism. The purpose of this section is not to specify all of the castle community. Materialism, new age philosophy and secular humanity are just a few of what can be mentioned. People with the necessary understanding of the time and breakthrough anointing to succeed in the world like our world. They always face the temptation to give in, to denigrate someone's expectations so that mnyesuaikan themselves in the community.

3. To lay a foundation based on God's Word
The Great Commission was not merely to win souls, but to teach the Gentiles. This challenge is a challenge for individuals, which has laid the foundations of the Word of God in their lives. You can not take others where you yourself have never left. The mandate of Christ to the church still remains; to teach the nations.

4. To send and equip believers
There are basic differences between simply go away or sent. For years, the absence of vision and the spirit world, God's servants have gone with the hope and belief in the existence of support and assistance. Of course this can work out, but God has a better way. The people who sent out with the support of a strong local church that has been engaged in a breakthrough anointing, the anointing to bring this into the spiritual harvest fields. People did not send an army into battle without the equipment. Proper training in doing the work of Jesus is a must.

God Bless ^ ^

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