
07 January 2011


Verse: Luke 4:31-44 

Everyone would love to hear good news, because good news makes us smile face and heart so happy. But reading the Bible yesterday to show how the Nazarene gave the opposite response of a good news. They do not want to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed of God. They were even angry and mean to destroy Jesus (Luke 4:28-29). 

And what about the people of Capernaum on reading today? They were amazed to hear the powerful teachings of Jesus (32). Their astonishment grew when witnessing the power of Jesus over demons possessed a person who is present in the synagogue at the time. Even the devil was shouting his confession that Jesus is "the Holy One of God" (14). Good news that the man who anointed the Lord that will free the captives, has been fulfilled: the person who held the devil Jesus was freed from the shackles of the power of darkness. These events clearly prove messiahship and divinity of Jesus, which was originally questioned by the Nazarene. 

Fulfillment good news is also evident in the next event. Healing Simon's mother-in-law who are connected with fever loud crowd that followed one after another came and asked for healing in the evening also shows Jesus' power over disease and over the demons (38-41). The demons also expressed their recognition that Jesus is the Son of God. 

Here we see the ironic picture: Nazareth did not want to admit messiahship and divinity of Jesus, while demons that humans perceive as the enemy of God, it clearly acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God is holy. How degilnya human heart. 

Until now too many people, who not only refused to recognize Jesus as Lord, but also mocks the divinity of Jesus. We might feel angry or sorry for people like that, but more important is to pray for them that God will touch and His grace comes upon them.

God Bless ^^

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