
07 January 2011

Meaning Sabbath

Verse: Luke 6:1-11 

Sabbath, not just a day set aside in the Jewish tradition. The Sabbath is a feast of highly maintained and sacred, even until today. The Sabbath is calculated based on the Jewish calendar, began Friday afternoon until Saturday afternoon just in time for sunset. 

The Jews were very fast to hold all the rules of the law. To ensure that any laws are understood and carried out with the best, religious leaders consider it necessary to add the things that have been detailed to any such law. Various additions and then gives rise to many restrictions to doing this and that. 

Lord Jesus was not unaware of all the rules that applied at the time. However, the Lord Jesus also knows that this understanding is wrong understanding. The Sabbath given by God, just for the enjoyment of human as the rest day and the day to worship God. But religious leaders have changed the purpose of God is to be the opposite.Therefore the Lord Jesus pointed out to them that, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath" (5). Jesus' words are an indication that Israel must not place the rules of men is higher than in their reverence to God. 

So also with us, as believers in this present age. The pursuit of piety and personal holiness, should not make us forget the main thing is more a sense of love and compassion for others. What is done by teaching that Jesus is a concern to a fellow human being is part of our worship and reverence to God. We can not say that we love God while at the same time we neglect and ignore our neighbors. Remember that the commandment to love God followed by the command to love others.

God Bless ^^

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