
07 January 2011

Fishers has catched

Verse: Luke 5:1-11 

Have you ever seen an angler was fishing for fish? Angler fish are the people who are diligent, willing to wait for hours after the capture of a fish. 

Simon Peter and his colleagues is a true fisherman. They worked hard all night to catch fish. Unfortunately they do not produce anything (5). So Jesus' command to actually get them back by doing a less positive response from Peter. Tonight is the best time to catch fish, then why should doing all during the day when at night they do not get fish? While the proposed is the son of a carpenter! How could he know about catching more fish than the fisherman who is experienced in the field? But when Peter finally obey the Word of Jesus, he saw a miracle. Stuffed fish nets to nearly ripped!Even need the help of other boats to accommodate the fish (7). 

Peter was immediately prostrated himself at Jesus' feet (8). Previously Peter calls Jesus as Master, when he called Jesus as Lord. Peter also realizes kerendahannya before Jesus. This is a huge leap in the greatness of the recognition power of Jesus.At first he thinks he is a fisherman reliable, but then he saw Jesus' power of nature, over the lake and fish. This realization was a turning point that produces a big decision in Peter's life. He followed Jesus and the direction his life was changed. 

Awareness of the omnipotence of God and the inability of themselves will make people come to God. So when you hit failure was in a row, so you feel as though unable to stand again, maybe that's when you must come to God. Do not harden your heart and think that you are quite able to solve your problem. Humble heart and invited him to state power and His work in your life. Undoubtedly his grace will descend upon you.

God Bless ^^

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