
07 January 2011

Winning because God's word

Verse: Luke 4:1-13

A theologian once wrote that every detail of human life must diliat from the standpoint of theology. That is, everything that happens in our lives, must be seen from the viewpoint of God, not based on human vision.

This passage shows us how Jesus overcome temptation. At that time the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness (1). After fasting for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. Hunger is one weak point man. In the state of hungry people can go crazy and dark eyes until can do anything to relieve his hunger. Satan took the opportunity to trap Jesus. He needs food when it will be used Satan to propose ways that do not meet the needs of place, because it does not fit the word of God (2-3). In the second temptation, Satan offered to Jesus dominion over the world through one simple way, namely to worship Satan (6-7). Though Father's plan for Jesus was to suffer first, and then enter into his glory (Luke 24:26). In the third temptation, Satan asks Jesus to tempt God to do something magical for himself (9-11).

In that event, Jesus showed himself as an ordinary human being who can experience the trials. But he did not want to defeat temptation. The trick? He uses the word of God. The Word of God is a weapon we can use also when the devil tried to tempt or deceive us. If we do not know the word of God, we are like soldiers who go into battle without weapons. If so, how can we fight against the enemy? We must lose! In fact, let alone fight, we might actually "enjoy" being waged every temptation the devil because we do not know that it is wrong. So understand the word of God and know what God's will for us, His children, until we can survive the attack of Satan's deception is always trying to impose us.
God Bless ^^

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