21 January 2011
17 January 2011
It is important disciple
Verse: Luke 6:12-19
A famous theologian named Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, "Christianity without Discipleship is always Christianity without Christ" (Christianity without discipleship is Christianity without Christ).
In His command is written in the Gospel of Matthew, who uttered before he was taken up, Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ...". Clearly, discipleship is not a choice but a necessity. This command itself is often referred to as the great commission.
In His command is written in the Gospel of Matthew, who uttered before he was taken up, Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ...". Clearly, discipleship is not a choice but a necessity. This command itself is often referred to as the great commission.
The following reasons are, because Jesus himself make disciples during his earthly ministry. He chose a man to be a student during He served in the world. Once the importance of students and discipleship so that preceded the election process with the night prayer (12). People who would he choose to be disciples are people who not only will learn certain subjects, but they will follow him wherever he went. They will be in a close relationship with Him. It is they who will be the foundation of a group of God's chosen people, a new one. They also who will continue his ministry after he left this world. Those people would later spread the teachings of Christ to the whole world. Seeing the heavy and noble tasks which would carry them later, do not be surprised if he spent all night to pray. Jesus felt the need to investigate and find out the will of the Father in the matter. He did not want to choose just based on the considerations and His will alone.
Discipleship is also important for the church today. With discipleship, church people are taught how to live as followers of Christ. With discipleship, the believer knows that he lives not for himself devout go to heaven. He also must realize that he must share the good news with the world until someone else can hear and receive the precious gift of Christ. So more and more people are willing to become his disciples.
God Bless ^ ^
Besieged the enemy? Who's afraid!
Verse: Psalm 3
Why do so many people who can not sleep at night? Burdened with problems that have not been completed? Fear of thieves and robbers? Worried about an uncertain tomorrow?
David never experienced it when he had fled from Absalom, his son coup (see 2 Sam. 15). In the night for David as it was when he hunted fear will chase an enemy determined to destroy him. Absalom then had many followers. Even among some people close to David who defected. It was they who said, "for him (David) no help from God" (3).
How did David deal with this situation? In the midst of fear and panic, David looked up into the sky. By faith he called for help to God. David knew the Lord would help because God has been proven in the past to defeat its enemies, namely the people who do not fear God (8). David knew that God would protect him as king of Israel because God is the helper of His people (9). In His holy mountain, God answered David (5). Symbolizes the holy mountain of God's presence in the midst of his people (see Ex. 19). So, in the middle of the night flight of David said, "I lay down and sleep, I woke up because the Lord sustains me" (6). The enemy as much as anything that chase behind him, David was no longer afraid. God will help him.
There are commentators who say that the psalm is Psalm 3 is not a complaint but a psalm of confidence. It begins with fear, but instead turned and dominant in feeling confident that God will help.
Maybe we are often worried because of the existence of people who always want to drop us. But God is the God we worship is powerful and merciful. He definitely helped us.
God Bless ^ ^
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