
03 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 10

Day 10 
The essence of worship

Romans 6:13 The essence of worship is surrender. Surrender is a word that is not popular, who does not like almost like the word submission.We'd rather talk about about winning, success, defeat, conquer instead of succumbing, submission, obedience, and surrender. But surrendering to God is the essence of worship. We give ourselves to Him, not because of fear or compulsory, but in love, "because He first loved us."Worship is true, that bring pleasure to God, happens when you give yourself fully to God.Dedicate themselves to God, that is what is meant by worship. Act of surrender is called many things: consecration, making Jesus your Lord, take up your cross, die to self, submitting to the Holy Spirit. What is important is that you do, not as what you use for him. God wants your life, entirely. 

There are three barriers that hinder our total surrender to God: fear, pride, indecision.Believing is an indispensable element to surrender. Fear prevents us to surrender, but you give away all fear.How do you know that God loves you? He is a member you plenty of evidence: God says He loves you, you never escape from his sight; He cares with your life until it is the smallest; He gives you the ability to enjoy all sorts of pleasures; He has good plans for life you, He forgives you, and He is full of loving kindness toward you. God loves you far greater than anything you can imagine. 
The most powerful statement about God's love to you this is the Son of God for your sacrifice.God is the Compassionate and the Liberator, and submit to Him produces freedom, not bondage.This is the oldest temptation: "You will become like God." This desire, ie, full power, is the cause of so much stress in our lives. We are not God and will never become God. We are human. When we try to be God then we eventually become like Satan, who want the same thing.Surrender does not mean suppress your personality. God wants to use your unique personality. And rather than suppress it, surrender it to develop your personality. People who submit to obey the Word of God even though the word does not make sense.

 The Bible says, "Give yourselves to the Lord and wait patiently for Him with patience."Blessing of surrender: 
1. Experience tranquility.
2. Experience independence.
3. Experience power of God in your life.The victory came through surrender. Surrender does not weaken your self; strengthen your submission. After the surrender ourselves to God, you do not need to fear or submitting to other things.Surrender is not the best way to live; surrender is the only way to live. Now is the time for you to surrender, the grace, love, and wisdom of God.

Point to ponder: The essence of worship is surrender. 

Verse to memorize: "Give the members of your body to God to become the weapons of truth." Romans 6:13b
Question for thought: what fields in my life that I can not submit to God?

Purpose Driven Life - Day 9

Day 9What Makes God Smile?

Numbers 6:25 Smile God is your life purpose. Because pleasing God is the first purpose of your life, then your most important task is to find how to do it. The Bible gives us a clear example of a life that gives pleasure to God. Person's name is Noah.God smiles when we love Him above all else. He longs for you to know Him and spend time with Him. This is why learning to love and be loved by God should be the biggest goal in your life. There is nothing else that can rival the importance of that.God smiles when we trust Him completely. Trusting God completely means having faith that He knows what is best for your life. He hopes to keep his promises, help you with problems, and do the impossible yan if necessary.God smiles when we obey Him wholeheartedly. Obeyed God wholeheartedly mean doing anything that God asked without reluctance or hesitation, no delay and said, "I will pray for him." But do so without delay. Obedience is soon going to teach you more about God than the Bible discussion lifetime.God smiles when we continually praise and thank Him. He smiled when we express our admiration and gratitude to Him. We praise God for His existence, and we give thanks for what He has done.God smiles when we use our abilities. Every human activity, except sin, can be done for the pleasure of God if we do so with an attitude of praise. God fun watching you use the talents and abilities He has given you. God deliberately gives us different gifts for the sake of His pleasure. You do not bring glory or pleasure to God by hiding your abilities or by trying to be someone else. You only bring joy to Him by way of being yourself. Allah says, "You have no right to argue with your Creator. You're nothing but a clay pot alone! Is there clay say to reconsider: Why did you make me like this?When you live in the light of eternity, your focus changes from "How much pleasure I get from my life?" To "How much pleasure that God can from my life?" 
Point to ponder: God smiles when I trust Him.Verse to memorize: "God's love to those who fear Him, to those who hope to His faithful love." Psalm 147:11Questions to consider: Because God knows what is best, in the field of life where I need to trust Him?

Purpose Driven Life - Day 8

Day 8
Designed to Be God's Favorite 

Revelation 4:11 You planned for the pleasure of Allah. One of God's greatest gift to you is the ability to enjoy the fun. He wants you to enjoy life, not just live it. The reason why you can enjoy the pleasure is because God made you in His image.Bring pleasure to God is called "worship".  

All your actions that bring pleasure to God is an act of worship.Worship is a lifestyle not just sing, pray, and listen to sermons.Worship is much more than just music. Worship has nothing to do with the style or volume or speed of songs. If the song was dedicated to God in spirit and in truth, it is an act of worship.Worship is not to your interests. Most of worship "worship" also includes the elements of fellowship, guidance, and evangelism, and there are various benefits in worship, but we do not worship to please ourselves. Our goal is to bring glory. And pleasure to our Creator. God's heart is not touched by tradition in worship, but by love and commitment.Worship is not part of your life; worship is your life.This is the secret to a lifestyle worship, that is to do everything as if you do it for Jesus.Prafase Bible version of The message said, "Take Your daily life, ie sleep, eat, go to work, and a walk, and place it before God as an offering"

Point to ponder: I planned for God's pleasure. 

Verse to memorize: "God get pleasure in his people .." Psalm 149:4a (TeV) 
Questions to consider: whether a routine task which I will start working with the attitude that I'm working directly with Jesus?

Purpose Driven Life - Day 7

Day 7 
Reasons for Everything

Romans 11:36 Everything is for Him. God made all things for His glory. The glory of God is the existence of God, that is the essence of His nature, His sphere of influence, His radiant splendor, demonstration of his power, and the atmosphere of his presence.

All things were created by God's grace-Nya.Hidup reflect the glory of God is the greatest achievement we can accomplish through our lives. The way we are to bring glory to God is:His 
1. Worship. God wants our worship is motivated by love, thanksgiving, and joy, not by obligation. 
2. Love other believers. When you are born again, you become part of the family of God, follow Christ is not merely come to believe, but also including a member and learn to love God's family. 
3. Be like Christ. He wants us to grow toward spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is becoming like Christ in the way of thinking, taste, and act.
 4. Serve others with our gifts. Each of us is uniquely designed by God with talents, gifts, skills, and abilities. The abilities that God gave not for selfish purposes alone but for the good of others, as others are given for your kindness. 
5. Preach to others about Him. God does not want to love and his goals kept as secret. Once we know the truth, God wants us to share them with others. This is an extraordinary privilege of bringing others to Jesus, helping them find their purpose, and prepare them to face their eternal life. 
Point to ponder: It's all for Him.Verse to memorize: "For everything comes from God. Everything lives by His power and everything is for His glory. "Romans 11:36 (LB)Question for thought: In their daily activities, are there things that can be more aware of my going to the glory of God?

Recovered from the bitterness

Verse: Matthew 18:21-35
Bitterness will open the door of another sin to rule our lives (Hebrews 12:15-16). If the bitterness is left continuous then it will cause unrest and dishonor to many people. The way out of bitterness is forgiveness. Forgiving is not easy but it is an act of faith of our decision. When to forgive, we let Jesus' love (agape) which has been given to us (Romans 5:5). God will forgive you if you want to forgive others (1 John 3:15-16). Why? Because we had been forgiven by the grace of God, therefore we must forgive those who wronged us. 
Still there any that you hate? Forgive that person and do clearance by meeting the person!

Muster up courage

Verse: Hebrews 13:5-6, 2 Timothy 1:7
Fear is a natural thing happens in human life. Humans must have experienced fear, but if it's already mastered life it will be frightened. It is not allowed because of fear can kill our faith. Devil who gave spirit of fear within us. The goal is that we have the wrong beliefs about our faith in God. In 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God never gives tidka spirit of fear but of power, love and thoughts are correct. All three will defeat the fear (1 John 4:18). If the Spirit of God is within us then we certainly can defeat fear. Find the bad experiences or fears that still control yourself! Then came the Lord and the Word of God that strengthens say it. For example when you are in darkness, said, "Emmanuel, God with me".
Say it over and over again until the fear was gone.

Purpose Driven Life - Day 6

Day 6 Life Is An Assignment While

Psalm 39:5 In order to maximally utilize your life, you should not forget two truths: First, compared with eternity, life is very short. Second, the earth is a place of temporary residence.

Point to ponder: The world is not my home.Verse to memorize: "Because we do not pay attention to the visible, but invisible, because that look is temporary, whereas the invisible is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18

Question for thought: How does the fact that life on earth is only a temporary assignment could change the way my life right now?

Purpose Driven Life - Day 5

Day 5
Looking at life and God's Perspective.

James 4:14 bThe way you look at your life shaped your life. 
Life is a test, life is a trust, and life is a temporary assignment. Character is developed and demonstrated through various tests, and whole life is a test.

Point to ponder: Life is a test and trust.

Verse to memorize: "Whoever contemplates the faithful with little, he is faithful also in case large-case." Luke 16:10 aQuestions to consider: What are my experience lately that I now realize were a test from God? Do the things that God entrusted to me?

02 November 2010

Stress or depression

Verse: Psalm 42:1-12 & 43:5
Stress is one form of distress that cause negative feelings such as despair, sadness, loss of passion and others. Prolonged stress in the long run will make the depression. Depression can cause people to lose memory even suicide. The characteristics of the depressed person most would shut himself from normal life. The cause of all this is a life centered on yourself. The focus is wrong as this will make it start feeling sorry for himself. Without realizing it, the person is no longer centered on God. Especially when his wish is not fulfilled, then it would be easy to stress. This is very different from the person-centered to God. The person will give up everything and dependence on God (Jeremiah 17:5-8). Give all the burden of your soul to God.

Conflict of Life

Verse: Philippians 4:2-9

Conflicts can occur anywhere and to anyone even with yourself. Conflict can lead to healthy growth or destroy our souls. It depends on how the way we perceive and cope with conflict when it occurs. Conflict is usually caused by differences of opinion, differences of personality even unmet need. Conflict can be healthy growth if we learn to accept differences (Proverbs 27:17). But the conflict can be destructive if each drop or consider yourself the most correct. The main root of conflict is actually going on inside himself. How does one receive itself will determine how he received the others. If someone has a conflict with himself then he must also have a conflict with another person even to God.

Purpose Driven Life - Day 4

Day 4
Created For Eternity

Ecclesiastes 3:11This life is preparation for the next life. Death is not the end of your life, but it is a movement toward eternity, so there are eternal consequences to everything you do in the world. Every action in our lives to influence our lives in eternity.Point to ponder: Life is not just for now.

Verse to memorize: "The world is being lost with her wishes, but those who do God's will live forever." 1 John 2:17

Question for thought: Since I created for eternal life, the things what should not do anymore and I do things whether I should start doing today?

Purpose Driven Life - Day 3

Day 3
What's Pushing Your Life?

Ecclesiastes 4:4The life of every person is driven by something. Nothing is more important than knowing God's purposes for your life, and nothing can replace the losses if you do not know these goals. Without a purpose, life like motion without meaning, activity without direction and events without reason. Without a purpose of life is meaningless.

There are 5 benefits of life has a purpose: 

1. Recognize the purpose of giving meaning to your life 
2. Recognize the purpose of facilitating your life 
3. Recognize the purpose of making your life has focus 
4. Recognizing the goals will motivate your life 
5. Recognizing the goals will prepare you to face eternity.

Living to produce world heritage is a shallow target. It is more sensible if people use the time to build an eternal legacy. You put on earth to prepare for eternity.One day you will stand before God, and He will examine your life, a final exam before you enter eternity. Fortunately, God wants us to pass these exams, so he gives us his question before asking. From the Bible we can conclude two important questions:First, "What have you done to my Son, Jesus Christ?" The only thing that matters is whether you accept what Jesus did for you and if you learn to love and trust Him?Second, "What have you done to what I have give to you? What have you done with your life, namely
all gifts, talents, opportunities, energy, relationships, and wealth that God has given you? Whether you use it for its own sake or In accordance with the purpose of God?

Point to ponder: Living on purpose is the path to peace.Verse to memorize: "Thou, Lord, give perfect peace to those who firmly maintain their goals and believe in You." Isaiah 26:3Question for thought: Is that according to family and friends I was the driving force of my life? What I want to drive my life?

01 November 2010

Song Lyric - Israel and New Breed - I Know Who I Am

I know who I am
I know who I am
I know who I am
I am Yours I am Yours

And You are mine
Jesus You are mine

I was running and You found me
I was blinded and You gave me sight
You put a song of praise in me
I was broken and You healed me
I was dying and You gave me life
Lord You are my identity
I know I know

I am forgiven
I am Your friend
I am accepted
I know who I am
I am secured
I’m confident
That I am loved
I know who I am
I am alive
I am set free
I belong to You
You belong to me

Video :

Picture Yourself Healthy

Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Proverbs 23:7a

Many people give the wrong judgments about him. There are people who think that he is not valuable, not able and not acceptable because of 'different' to most other people. Penailaian that one could also occur due to hear the negative appraisal of others. This is known as an unhealthy self-image and must be completed. Proverbs 23:7 a says, as we judge ourselves, that's what will happen in our lives.  
For example, if there are people who think that he is stupid, then he will remain a fool even if he is learning every day. Therefore milikilah truth of God concerning us in Christ we are new and unique creation in the eyes of God (2 Corinthians 5:17). So now how do you rate yourself on today? Although there are many weaknesses and limitations.

Emotions that destroy human

Verse: Psalm 107:17-22

How the devil to destroy people is by putting trickery resulted in his mind that humans live in an unhealthy emotion. So, emotion is not healthy to be overcome before carrying deadly diseases. Don Colbert in his book wrote that the bad attitudes that we develop will be fatal to the health of the body. It includes a refusal to forgive, fear, guilt, envy, anger, hatred and other.Examples: hatred cause high blood pressure, heart disease, even cancer. The way out of this situation is only by accepting and believing the Word of God. By running as the Word of truth, then we can have a healthy mind and emotions. Remember well, the truth of the Word will liberate our souls (John 8:31-32).

Purpose Driven Live - Day 2

Day 2
You Were Not Due to coincidence

Isaiah 44:2a You are alive because God wanted to create you! The Bible says, "God will fulfill His purpose for me." God had first planned the days of your life. He wanted to create you to declare his love.

Point to ponder: I have not by chance.

Verse to memorize: "I am the Lord who made you, who formed thee from the womb and who helped you." Isaiah 44:2 

Questions to consider: Knowing that God uniquely created me, what matters about the personality, background, and my physical appearance that I'm struggling with my hard to accept?

Purpose Driven Live - Day 1

Day 1 
Everything Begins with God

Colossians 1:16You were born by His purpose and for His purpose. To find your life's purpose: Ask God.

Point to ponder: This is not about me.Verse to memorize: "All things were created by Him and for Him." Colossians 1:16b

Question for thought: Although there are various promotions around me, how can I remind myself that life really is about living for God, not for yourself?

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