
02 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 3

Day 3
What's Pushing Your Life?

Ecclesiastes 4:4The life of every person is driven by something. Nothing is more important than knowing God's purposes for your life, and nothing can replace the losses if you do not know these goals. Without a purpose, life like motion without meaning, activity without direction and events without reason. Without a purpose of life is meaningless.

There are 5 benefits of life has a purpose: 

1. Recognize the purpose of giving meaning to your life 
2. Recognize the purpose of facilitating your life 
3. Recognize the purpose of making your life has focus 
4. Recognizing the goals will motivate your life 
5. Recognizing the goals will prepare you to face eternity.

Living to produce world heritage is a shallow target. It is more sensible if people use the time to build an eternal legacy. You put on earth to prepare for eternity.One day you will stand before God, and He will examine your life, a final exam before you enter eternity. Fortunately, God wants us to pass these exams, so he gives us his question before asking. From the Bible we can conclude two important questions:First, "What have you done to my Son, Jesus Christ?" The only thing that matters is whether you accept what Jesus did for you and if you learn to love and trust Him?Second, "What have you done to what I have give to you? What have you done with your life, namely
all gifts, talents, opportunities, energy, relationships, and wealth that God has given you? Whether you use it for its own sake or In accordance with the purpose of God?

Point to ponder: Living on purpose is the path to peace.Verse to memorize: "Thou, Lord, give perfect peace to those who firmly maintain their goals and believe in You." Isaiah 26:3Question for thought: Is that according to family and friends I was the driving force of my life? What I want to drive my life?

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