
03 November 2010

Recovered from the bitterness

Verse: Matthew 18:21-35
Bitterness will open the door of another sin to rule our lives (Hebrews 12:15-16). If the bitterness is left continuous then it will cause unrest and dishonor to many people. The way out of bitterness is forgiveness. Forgiving is not easy but it is an act of faith of our decision. When to forgive, we let Jesus' love (agape) which has been given to us (Romans 5:5). God will forgive you if you want to forgive others (1 John 3:15-16). Why? Because we had been forgiven by the grace of God, therefore we must forgive those who wronged us. 
Still there any that you hate? Forgive that person and do clearance by meeting the person!

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