
03 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 7

Day 7 
Reasons for Everything

Romans 11:36 Everything is for Him. God made all things for His glory. The glory of God is the existence of God, that is the essence of His nature, His sphere of influence, His radiant splendor, demonstration of his power, and the atmosphere of his presence.

All things were created by God's grace-Nya.Hidup reflect the glory of God is the greatest achievement we can accomplish through our lives. The way we are to bring glory to God is:His 
1. Worship. God wants our worship is motivated by love, thanksgiving, and joy, not by obligation. 
2. Love other believers. When you are born again, you become part of the family of God, follow Christ is not merely come to believe, but also including a member and learn to love God's family. 
3. Be like Christ. He wants us to grow toward spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is becoming like Christ in the way of thinking, taste, and act.
 4. Serve others with our gifts. Each of us is uniquely designed by God with talents, gifts, skills, and abilities. The abilities that God gave not for selfish purposes alone but for the good of others, as others are given for your kindness. 
5. Preach to others about Him. God does not want to love and his goals kept as secret. Once we know the truth, God wants us to share them with others. This is an extraordinary privilege of bringing others to Jesus, helping them find their purpose, and prepare them to face their eternal life. 
Point to ponder: It's all for Him.Verse to memorize: "For everything comes from God. Everything lives by His power and everything is for His glory. "Romans 11:36 (LB)Question for thought: In their daily activities, are there things that can be more aware of my going to the glory of God?

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