
07 January 2011

God or we are out of hosting?

Verse: Luke 5:12-16 

In circumstances of urgency, for example due to serious illness or have needs that must be met, people will usually do anything for the problem is finished. Ask God's will? It is hardly crossed his mind. What exactly is raging alternatives for urgent solutions that can be resolved. 

This differs from the attitude of lepers in this passage. He knows and not the slightest doubt Jesus' power over disease. What he does not know is whether Jesus wanted his illness cured or not (12). He does believe in the power of Jesus, but He did not know whether he deserves His grace. He did not know whether he is pleased to heal him. So how soothing when Jesus replied, "I am willing, be cleansed" (13). Thus, lepers were also recovered from his illness. 

The attitude of the leper was a role model for us to align our desires with God's will.Because we often feel better to know what's better for ourselves, what is more suitable for us, or what should happen to us. So when we pray, then we ask is for our plans done, for our desires come true, or for our expectations come true. We like submit a written request to the Lord immediately signed. When they should be, before we write this letter, we first consult the Lord. Before making plans to live should we pray first, and asked the Lord if the plan is in accordance to His will. Before we pray for our desires, ask first to God, whether it wishes or hopes in accordance with God's plan for our lives. 

We see that the lepers self conscious in front of God and honor God. He knew who the Lord and know how to behave towards God. While many people know that Christ is God, but instead acted as master of him, so do not just rule of God and ask His will.Presumably we're not doing that.

God Bless ^^

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