
22 September 2010

Perseverance Results

Verse: Proverbs 12

Gold Verse: Proverbs 12:27 = "The lazy will not capture prey, but the diligent man will get precious treasure."

There's a story: Endang report card grades are super bad in his first semester report card. The threat of class lives in front of his eyes. During this Endang was less serious in learning it would not be surprised if the value is not good. Endang just realized his fault when he saw his mother and father is very upset with her school. He felt he had disappointed his parents. He decided to pay for his mistake by studying diligently in the second semester. Endang learn every day with regular, all he was doing the task itself. He watched carefully to any given subject teachers. He also did not forget to pray to God so that God is always with him so that all who do succeed. Finally Endang values improved in all subjects and he gets a satisfactory rate in 2nya semester report card.

So, all that success requires effort really sunguh. No instant success because the process required to achieve such success. For example if we want to become a great basketball athlete, then we are practicing an intense, full of self-discipline to achieve it. No young success obtained. And do not forget God in all our efforts to achieve success we dream. Always remember to ask for his participation in every step we. But we also do not only pray but do not try. Be diligent to get things of value.

God Bless ^ ^

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