
24 September 2010

Code Access

Verse: Psalm 139

Gold Verse: Psalm 139:23 = "Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts"

A child of God was walking towards a room that is written Room Jesus. Before entering the room, he had to go through 3 doors. The first and second door he went through with the various questions posed to her doorman and he made it through those doors. At last the door not a guard tuh. Of course he's happy because they do not have to answer questions. When he was about to enter, the door does not open. While the door to open automatically when someone came into the room. He tried to step on the floor surface with a little hard and try to step in various angles. However, he failed. Finally he went home and failed to see Jesus.

Friend, maybe we will be very busy when we enter a room and suddenly we're not allowed to enter without a reason. We definitely want to know what is the reason we are treated as such. Similar to our existence before God. Sometimes our prayers are not answered by God or for too long we wait for answers to prayer from the Lord. We do not know why God does not answer us soon. It certainly makes us disappointed, upset or confused.

Actually we need a special code from the Lord to find out what makes our prayers are not answered. The code is derived from God who will investigate the hearts and minds, recognize our personal and test our existence. Many of God's people are not ready and do not like to be tested by God. They consider that it is very burdensome and very difficult to deal with. God's test is not to destroy or torture, God tested to purify us so that we are worthy of inheriting his kingdom.

Friend, give our lives to be tested by God so that purification occurred and we deserve to go kingdom.

God Bless ^ ^

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