
22 September 2010

True friend

Verse: John 15:9-17

Gold Verse: John 15:14 = "You are my friend, if you do what is commanded you"

Friendship is a wonderful thing. Sometimes with friends we can get closer than at your own risk. Can I speak to many things ranging from az without any sense of shame, with our friends can ungkapn everything in the liver. The saddest moment in a friendship is when we must part with it, maybe our friends moved out of town or overseas, especially if it farewell for ever, sad. Because of the distance barrier that often we can cut off communication, but in our little hearts everywhere he's still our friend!

The Lord Jesus is the truest friend. He came to be our friend. But, whether we also reply to the friendship of Jesus? Friendship can not be established if only one person who wants it. From the side of Jesus, we do not need to hesitate anymore, he longed to be our friend, but how about us?

From his side, he always took the time to us. So, what about us, whether we take the time for Him, for the talk-bicang and know each other? From his side, he always wants to please us with good things. Well, what about us, whether we have to obey his word as proof of our love?

Fren, Jesus has become a true friend to us, let us be true friends to him too. Cultivate a sweet friendship with Jesus. The more we often communicate with him, the more we know who the Person "Sahabat Sejati" kita.Semakin we obey His word, the stronger persabatan it.

God Bless ^ ^

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