
24 September 2010

Jesus Success

Verse: Matthew 26:53-56

Gold Verse: Matthew 26:53 = "Or do you think that I can not call on my Father, that he would immediately send more than twelve legions of angels?"

One of my friends once asked me, "Jesus was born and brought miracles to the world. But why when He was about to be crucified Jesus did not show his power so that the news of his greatness can be written in the Bible and known around the world? "I replied," If at that time Jesus showed His greatness then he failed. But because he did not show his greatness and gave his life as a victim of the success of Jesus do his work for the world. "

Friend, Jesus could have summoned legions of angels to take him down from the cross when He was crucified. But surrender himself totally to the Father caused Him to successfully carry out the task to save mankind from sin's penalty. He successfully showed the world what the true meaning of love. He successfully showed the world that He is not God who arrogantly want to show of force. Jesus redeemed us success and bring new life to us. Jesus successfully incise unforgettable history.

If Jesus acted as a superhero when he was crucified, then the story will be forgotten because he was still there after another superhero story that could show the world a dazzling brilliance. But is there any story told about a superhero who gave herself totally as a victim without a fight just to save an innocent man? Is there a superhero who rose from the dead? Only Jesus did all that.

Friends, let us surrender ourselves totally to His will then we can surely succeed like Jesus.

God Bless ^ ^

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