
22 September 2010


Verse: Matthew 14:13-21

Gold Verse: Matthew 5:7 = "Blessed are the cheap heart: for they shall obtain mercy."

One morning there was a kid who would go far. He heard there are great people who came kedaerahnya. Lumatan's remote location as well, because it takes hours to reach it. Her mother did not want to starve her child, so her mother made provision for the child. Finally after an exhausting journey that these children arrived in the crowd, he could only listen from a distance. After dark berambah day, some guy looking for someone to bring lunch and one of them who saw the stock boy. Eventually the boy gave his lunch. Furthermore, he could see from afar that the "great man" that divide the bread and fish into a large quantity and put into his basket-basket, and then distributed. The boy was overjoyed that he could provide food supplies, and so become part of the miracles that made "great man" is.
Fren, from the story above of course you know who the "great man" and the little boy?
Five loaves and two fish taken from a child's lunch could feed 5000 people. Because the generosity of a small child, Jesus could perform miracles and go down in history. Suppose a small child would not give his lunch, maybe the story will be different. Would not you be generous child? Because everyone knows you can become part of a miracle.

God Bless ^ ^

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