
22 September 2010

No Pain is no Gain

Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-15

Gold Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:10 = "Therefore, also the time we were in among you, we gave this warning to you: if one does not work, let him not eat."

There is a tale about a grandmother who had a sack of money.
He is very poor, day-to-day he did not want to work, he just expects mercy of his neighbors. One time he feels his life is saturated with the needy, he also asked for money to 'God'. He said to God "Please send me money my God." As soon as she prayed every day with a loud voice. On the seventh day when he was pleading, a sudden fall in a solid bag right next to the grandmother. Grandma immediately opened the bag, and guess, it is filled with money? Interesting story huh?

But things like that it does not exist in the dictionary itâ God. God is not personally want to spoil his children. Though he was God's miracle maker, He wants us to strive in our lives. Through his servant, Paul, the Lord emphasized the importance of effort or hard work. Paul even said, people who are lazy or not working, or do not want the business, or do not want to learn, do not expect to enjoy good results, in this case is eating.

So, if we expect the best results, try as much as possible. Do not expect miracle from God without our efforts. For us that longer periods of exams in school, learn a very, very diligently, and prayed, asking God's blessing so that our efforts are successful.

God Bless ^ ^

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