
04 October 2010

Living Little Again

Verse: Ephesians 5:15-17

Gold Verse: Ephesians 5:16 = "And redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

A few months ago, I heard that at this time already developed electronic money. With that money we do not need to carry cash anymore, concise and easy. But we know, that behind the advancement of existing technology, it marks the end times began to be seen.

Friend, we do not cohabited in the time to take it easy, in fact right now is the time where we must draw closer to God dri. If we look at the situation around, then there are already signs that the time was not longer. The issue of global warming is not a coincidence, but the Bible has been written that this earth will be destroyed. So what should we do? Establish a strong personal relationship with God, because otherwise we would easily be dragged by the currents of this world. Without a strong relationship with God, our faith can not strong, resulting in time trials were dating, we fell.

Also, use your time well. It was not his time again hang out till late at night in a place that is not necessary. Rather than waste time mending discarded using that to go to church, pray or read the Bible. Or do useful things, such as poor service, wow, it makes our lives a blessing and useful for others. Of course, the name of the Lord be glorified through our lives not be embarrassed.

So, respond to the situation today. Now is not the time for you to relax.

God Bless ^ ^

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