
04 October 2010

Giving With Joy

Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Gold Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7 = "Each man should give his heart, sadly not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Friend, you have no member with forced? I experienced my first time member offerings. I think that my allowance will be reduced. But I was made aware that when our members with a sincere and happy, we will not lack because God will incur added.

There is a story about a man named William Colgate, when he left a 16-year-old with aspirations to seek their fortune in the big city. He was on board with the goal of New York. Incidentally William boarded the ship captain is someone who really loves the Lord Jesus. Long story short, William tells his ideals to the captain, he said that he would pioneer soap making business, because that was the only skill he had. Then the captain advised William to say "Make sure you start it correctly, then everything will go well! I believes in that there will be a successful soap maker in New York. When you conduct yourselves, did according honest and give the part that belongs to God, then he will bless you and you will become increasingly behasil! ". Arriving in New York City, William soon started his business with honesty, even he immediately offered his first earnings to God. Because God continue to bless his efforts, William longing to give more than a tenth of his income, he gives 20%, then 30%, soon to be 40%, even up to 50%. But with the decision the Lord more and bless his efforts.

Therefore Friend, do not be afraid shortage when we give, we will increasingly affluent precisely when we give with joy.

God Bless ^ ^

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