
06 October 2010

Focus on God

Verse: Esther 4:10-17

Gold Verse: Jeremiah 17:5 = "Cursed is everyone who relies on his people, who rely on its own strength ..."

Dodo is a child who does not come from wealthy families, families living on easy street but not excessive. One time, her mother was seriously ill. Dodo and his father did not have enough money to buy medicine. Finally, they can only pray and hope in God. Uh, God's help appears. Daddy Dodo suddenly get a bonus from work so they can pay all medical expenses and Dodo's mother could have survived the deadly danger.

The stories like that of many who experience it? There are many versions of God's help as we hope only to Him. Just as Queen Esther who must face the dangers that threaten the nation including his own life. He certainly could not act anything because the rules do not allow the kingdom to the king when the Queen was not called. But what did Esther? He just hoped to God, he fasted and asked all the Jews and even the ladies in her ladies to come fasting for 3 days. After that, know it ending? God litigants and save them.

At the moment there seems no way out, we usually direct their eyes to God. It should though not in any circumstances oppressed, we also still have to focus on God.Relying on God in all things. Fren, whatever you face, stay focused on God's own perception.

God Bless ^ ^

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