
30 October 2010


Verse: 2 Timothy 1:3-14

Gold Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7 = "For God not give us a spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love and order."

Gee, yeah this boy food. But wait, the Word of God did not say if that courage is for kids guy aja loh. That's for us all, Christ's disciples! But the Word of God did not say if we must be courageous in all things loh, there is a limit .. True, accurate, fair and in accordance with the Word of God is the limit. That the conditions. So if it is not right, not right, or do just, ya do not dilakuin. Moreover, if contrary to the Word of God, Do not doing.

We must cultivate this courage, because there are benefits. And great benefits! The advantage is that we will be SAFE. The fear (the opposite of courage) will be what others might think will make us lower our standards of good things, true and righteous. We ended up doing or saying things that make other people happy. In the end, we will be easily fooled and trapped. But if we dare, we would be safe from the people who will apply scheming against us. And also if we allow other people make us afraid, we can not effectively and leverage for the Lord!

The last but not the least, let's go together daring to tell the truth. Keep our conscience to remain "clear". Support your friends if they're right, but it remains true even if only by myself.

God Bless ^ ^

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