
07 March 2012

The Gift of Salvation

Why would somebody reject a free gift? Maybe because they are skeptical and don't believe someone would give them something for free. But we all can receive a free gift, the gift of salvation; the free gift of salvation is offered to whosoever believes the righteousness of God which he freely gives to everyone who has faith. GOD's offers the gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Salvation is a gift of God. Jesus Christ is the only way to obtain it by grace through faith. It is promise and is available for whosoever.

John 3:16 (NKJV) 
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

We are all under the power of sin and death without any righteous of our own. All sin has its consequences. In the words of Paul, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Do you know who the hardest cases are that would reject a free gift? Not thieves, adulterers, murderers, homosexuals, and not even blasphemers. The hardest cases for God to save are the good people who are so self-righteous they will not confess themselves to be sinners in need of a Savior.

This is one of Satan's greatest lies he says you don't need salvation, because there is nothing wrong with being a human being, and you don't deserve eternal punishment just because you were born a human being. Don't believe the lies of Satan.

How can salvation be received as a free gift? There is only one way to God's "salvation" and that is through Jesus Christ. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are liars. Jesus is the only way!

Hell is not a party place; it is a place you would not want to be. It is only in heaven where you will be able to talk to your love ones and be with them forever. There are so many people heading to hell's direction with no thought in their mind of the consequences of hell. We live in a society that pretty much lets you do your own thing if it makes you feel good; and that's a lie of Satan to keep people from knowing God and having eternal life. It's hard to understand why someone would want to go to hell, but I guess we were all in that situation once; that we thought life was meant to be lived to its fullest on this earth, and had no time for God.

Heaven is a place of rejoicing; hell is the place of torment. You choose which direction you want to be heading in your life, nobody can force you one way or the other. God loves you and doesn't wants to see you on the road to destruction, but that's your choice "oh how it hurts God" when you reject the gift of salvation.

The Gift of Salvation
If you're ready to know Jesus for yourself today then please repeat this simple prayer from your heart:
"Lord Jesus, I need you.
I repent from all of my sins
And I now accept the gift of salvation
Jesus, I invite you to take your place as Lord of my life from this moment forward.
Show me you're Glory and change me today.
In Jesus name I pray.

If you receive the gift of salvation this is the beginning of your new life in Christ. You will be branded from your friends and loved ones as an outsider. People don't want to be around Christians because they feel guilty about their own sinful life, but are reluctant to change their ways. Being a Christian may be a rocky road, but oh how good the end results will be; when we get to see all our loved ones that have gone ahead of us to that eternal life with Jesus.

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