
11 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 28

Day 28
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Ecclesiastes 3:1

While we worry about how fast we grow, God noticed how strong we grow.Discipleship is the process of becoming like Christ.

Why it took so long to change and grow? There are several reasons:1. We are people who slow. We need to experience again and again.

2. We have a lot of things which we must learn the death. Since most of our problems and all our bad habits do not develop overnight, it is not unreasonable mengahrapkannya away soon.

3. We are afraid to humbly face the truth about ourselves. Therefore we can not grow without a humble attitude and willing to teach.

4. Growth is often painful and scary. There is no growth without change, no change without fear or loss, and no loss without pain.

5. Habits take time to develop. Habits build character often called "spiritual discipline".

Some ways to cooperate with God in the process of growing toward spiritual maturity:• Trust that God is working in your life even when you do not feel it.• Have a notebook or journal of lessons learned.• Be patient with God and with yourself.• Do not become discouraged.

Point to ponder: There are no shortcuts to maturity.

Verse to memorize: "God who began a good work that you, and I am sure he will continue the work it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus comes back." Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Questions to consider: In what areas of my spiritual growth that I need to become more patient and diligent?

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