
08 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 20

Day 20

Restoring a Fractured Fellowship

2 Corinthians 5:18Relationships are always worth restorize. Because core learn how life is love, God wants us to appreciate the relationship and strive to maintain it and not reject it when there are cracks, hurt, or conflict.

How to restore a relationship:

1. Talking to God before talking to that person. So tell him exactly how you feel.

2. Always take the initiative. No matter whether you are hurt or injured: God wants you to take the first step. Do not wait for the other party.

3. Sympathetic to their feelings. Use your ears more than your mouth.

4. Recognize your role in the conflict. If you are serious about restoring a relationship, you should begin by acknowledging mistakes or sins of your own.

5. Attack the problem, not the person. When solving the conflict, the way enables you to speak as important as what you say.

6. Working together as much as possible.

7. Prioritizing reconciliation, not resolution. Reconciliation priority to the relationship, while resolution of priority issues.

Point to ponder: The relationship is always worthy to be restored.

Verse to memorize: "As far as-failure by, if it is counting on you, live in peace with all men!" Romans 12:18

Questions to consider: With whom do I need to restore fractured relationships at the moment?

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