
09 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 23

Day 23
How We Grew

Ephesians 4:15a
The purpose of the heavenly Father is for you to grow up and develop the characteristics of Jesus Christ.

The most powerful form of your life are the commitments you make. We become what we committed to him.Part of God is a part of you. God has given you new life, now you are responsible for developing it "with fear and trembling". This means paying attention to spiritual growth in earnest!Change your steering wheel. To change your life, you must change your mindset. How you think determines how you feel affects how you act.
Christianity is not a religion or philosophy, but a relationship and lifestyle. The core of that lifestyle is to think of others, as Jesus did, and not think for myself.

Point to ponder: It's never too late to start growing.

Verse to memorize: "Let God change you from within to change your mind completely. Then you will be able to know God's will, what good are pleasing to God and perfect. "Romans 12:2b (TEV)

Question for thought: One area do I need to change, no longer thinks the way I began to think in a way but God?

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