
11 November 2010

Purpose Driven Life - Day 27

Day 27
Defeating Temptation

2 Timothy 2:22

You must do your part by applying the four biblical keys to defeating temptation:

1. Focus your attention back on something else. The battle against sin is won or lost in your mind. Trials began with the capture your attention.

2. Reveal your struggle to a godly friend or support group. Actually, anything that you can not talk about is something uncontrollable in your life.

3. Resist the devil. Once we humble ourselves and submit to God, we are further ordered to fight the devil. Steps to fight the Devil:• Receiving salvation from God.• Using the Word of God as your weapon.

4. Realize your vulnerability. Never try to argue with the devil. He's better than you in a matter of debate, he has been practiced for thousands of years. 
Point to ponder: There is always a way out.

Verse to memorize: "God is faithful and therefore He will not let you be tempted beyond. At the time you are tempted He will give you a way out, so that you can bear it. "1 Corinthians 10:13b

Question for thought: Who can I ask for a spiritual companion ma uterus constantly praying for me to help me overcome temptation?

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